It would be poor form to derail Will you ever sell your NSX thread, so at the request of the great docjohn, I'm starting a new one about the other great Japanese opus in the fleet… The Lexus LFA!
The short version of the story begins in 2015. Osiris_x11 and I are at the 85th Geneva International Motor Show. Through his connections, we had special hospitality at the McLaren booth which featured a glorious McLaren F1 GT longtail finished in the most beautiful metallic green. However, the car that I couldn't get out of my head was the Gazoo Racing LFA. Can a machine subconsciously speak to a human? This one did loud and clear. Weeks later back home in Austin, I was telling Matt_337 about the LFA and he informs me there were new models still sitting in showrooms three years after being introduced. News to me. This sparked my curiosity and low and behold, three months later, I took delivery of #165 which is 1G0 Pearl Gray over red & black interior. Below are some fairly recent photos.
What's there to say that hasn't already been said? I think LFA Chief Engineer Haruhiko Tanahashi said it well: “What we needed – and what we created – was a car that moved the driver in more ways than one. The LFA was a car that stirred all the senses.”
I still have Zanardi #04 which I picked up in 2006 from California (SMGNSX, Hrant, PHOEN$X, and NsXMas assisted me in the purchase).
There's a neat overlap of LFA & NSX owners – I know of SUNLINE, supra2nv, and a couple others.
The short version of the story begins in 2015. Osiris_x11 and I are at the 85th Geneva International Motor Show. Through his connections, we had special hospitality at the McLaren booth which featured a glorious McLaren F1 GT longtail finished in the most beautiful metallic green. However, the car that I couldn't get out of my head was the Gazoo Racing LFA. Can a machine subconsciously speak to a human? This one did loud and clear. Weeks later back home in Austin, I was telling Matt_337 about the LFA and he informs me there were new models still sitting in showrooms three years after being introduced. News to me. This sparked my curiosity and low and behold, three months later, I took delivery of #165 which is 1G0 Pearl Gray over red & black interior. Below are some fairly recent photos.
What's there to say that hasn't already been said? I think LFA Chief Engineer Haruhiko Tanahashi said it well: “What we needed – and what we created – was a car that moved the driver in more ways than one. The LFA was a car that stirred all the senses.”
I still have Zanardi #04 which I picked up in 2006 from California (SMGNSX, Hrant, PHOEN$X, and NsXMas assisted me in the purchase).
There's a neat overlap of LFA & NSX owners – I know of SUNLINE, supra2nv, and a couple others.

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