ERROR CODES on App, but not dash

Unrelated, but I’ve got to share this with the group: When I absolutely STOMPED on the binders prior to corner entry yesterday, I noticed that the transmission up-shifted from 5th to 2nd in just two shifts, placing me in 2nd at the apex at about 5,500 rpm....PERFECT to power-slide off the corner. And it did it in a way that didn’t upset or change in any perceptible way the brake pedal feel, or the angle of attack, or the weight distribution, or the steering.

Can the transmission physically do that? — up-shift three gears in two shifts? If it can’t, then it’s even MORE amazing, because the three shifts must have been performed lightning-quick.

Either way, that transmission is just stunning!!

It actually did it in one shift and it blows my mind every time it happens. The even gears are on one clutch and odds on the other. If you were still on the gas before slamming the brakes, the even gear set likely had 6th selected but if you were trailing throttle it would be 4th, anticipating a downshift. When you braked that hard, it flipped to 2nd and swapped the clutches. DCTs are magical and this one is the best out there IMHO.

Hope you get things ironed out, but I do suspect there are assembly issues lurking out there in the TMU system that some have been bitten by.

9200 glorious and trouble-free miles here (except for recalls).
It actually did it in one shift and it blows my mind every time it happens. The even gears are on one clutch and odds on the other. If you were still on the gas before slamming the brakes, the even gear set likely had 6th selected but if you were trailing throttle it would be 4th, anticipating a downshift. When you braked that hard, it flipped to 2nd and swapped the clutches. DCTs are magical and this one is the best out there IMHO.

Hope you get things ironed out, but I do suspect there are assembly issues lurking out there in the TMU system that some have been bitten by.

9200 glorious and trouble-free miles here (except for recalls).

Yup. Awesome transmission.

Im sure your experience is the norm, and we few who have had issues, are the exception. Hope you stay in the former category.

Incidentally, the only dealer in the U.S. that had precisely the car I wanted, was in Iowa, at Johnston Acura. Had it shipped 1,100 miles to me, sight-unseen.
I rave about the transmission all the time. I am amazed every time I drive the car at how it operates. The technology is just amazing! I don't bother with the paddles. The onboard computer is obviously monitoring speed, throttle position, brake pressure, RPM, gear, etc. The car is intuitive..... The computer is analyzing, and based on everything it is monitoring it can predict what is coming..... Just spectacular in my opinion. Only DCT I have ever experienced, but I can't imagine one any better. I have prepaid track time in hand and looking forward to that experience. Primemvr, how is pad wear on the track? I'm planning a half day and not going to push the car 10/10ths??
Incidentally, the only dealer in the U.S. that had precisely the car I wanted, was in Iowa, at Johnston Acura. Had it shipped 1,100 miles to me, sight-unseen.

Ha! And I got mine in Dallas because they had the exact spec I wanted.
Primemvr, how is pad wear on the track? I'm planning a half day and not going to push the car 10/10ths??

I had seven track days at Blackhawk Farms (tight 1.9 mile track) and one at Road America before I had to replace the rears, but that was one day too many and I burned through an inside rear pad and trashed a rotor, oops.

I've done one more day at BF since, and the fronts are just about done. I have the iron brakes.

After only five days at BH and around 7500 total miles and my stock Contis on the rear were done. I replaced them with PS4S.
Who’s fastaussie, and did he have similar issues with his NC1?


fastaussie is a former pro bike racer from down under, his account was suspended last year for been overly critical of the mods here on Prime.

Back and forth between fastaussie and stuntman (pro racecar driver) a few years back:

Both of them have driven the NC1 at the track and based on their resumes I would believe that they would be very familiar with the handling of the car at it's real limits (10/10th all driving aids off).
..After only five days at BH and around 7500 total miles and my stock Contis on the rear were done. I replaced them with PS4S.

Huh. I only drove my car to work which was 20mi a day and my rear tires were done at 5000mi. No track time ever. After the gas tank recall, my rear tires only lasted 200 to 500 miles, and eight tires were consumed in about 2000mi. My car probably had a problem even before the tech screwed the car up. However I figured that 5k-6k miles would be the average life of the tires so I never really inquired about the excessive wear.
fastaussie is a former pro bike racer from down under, his account was suspended last year for been overly critical of the mods here on Prime.

Back and forth between fastaussie and stuntman (pro racecar driver) a few years back:

Both of them have driven the NC1 at the track and based on their resumes I would believe that they would be very familiar with the handling of the car at it's real limits (10/10th all driving aids off).

I am not a moderator here, but it seemed to me that fastaussie was suspended for acting like a 2nd grade playground bully. Most threads that he participated in turned into him being rude and abusive to anyone who voiced an opinion that he didn't agree with - good riddance.
I am not a moderator here, but it seemed to me that fastaussie was suspended for acting like a 2nd grade playground bully. Most threads that he participated in turned into him being rude and abusive to anyone who voiced an opinion that he didn't agree with - good riddance.

FWIW, I take everything that is been said on this forum with a grain of salt, but based on the actual contents of his posts fastaussie wasn't just speculating or trolling, he actually had significant seat time on the NC1 vs folks who were just bench racing or who just drank the proverbial cool aid or got their feelings hurt because he was been critical of the NC1.

For folks who want to just DD their car, fastaussie's comments might have been irrelevant or an earsore for stating the obvious, for enthusiasts who will be actually pushing the car to it's real limits having someone to compare notes against is something that has substantial value. The fact that he had a connection to ExoticsRacing who have had a NSX that is been tracked daily would be beneficial as well. (in regards to how the cars are doing in regards to wear and tear, issues that they have run into etc, etc) Now you have ZERO information about that particular vehicle.

I would rather listen to someone who has valuable information than to stick my head in the sand and pretend that all is well or ask for people to be banned... Just my 2 cents. /End rant...
I used to enjoy the actual content from FA.

I think the issue was he kept grinding at folks and came off like he was Alain Prost and you were the guy taking the used tires to be recycled.
I see your point and it is a good one but fastaussie's behavior wasn't worth whatever contribution he was making about tracking the NC1. Certainly DocL has said more bad things about the NC1 than anyone but he has not been banned because he acts like an adult. Thankfully the owner and moderators of this site have kept their standards up and I think that is one reason that so many people have been here so long.
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I see your point and it is a good one but fastaussie's behavior wasn't worth whatever contribution he was making about tracking the NC1. Certainly DocL has said more bad things about the NC1 than anyone but he has not been banned because he acts like an adult.

Well thank you. Now that I’m no longer paying for a car that had a serious defect, I will be toning down my diatribe towards the NC1.
I see your point and it is a good one but fastaussie's behavior wasn't worth whatever contribution he was making about tracking the NC1. Certainly DocL has said more bad things about the NC1 than anyone but he has not been banned because he acts like an adult. Thankfully the owner and moderators of this site have kept their standards up and I think that is one reason that so many people have been here so long.

Well thank you. Now that I’m no longer paying for a car that had a serious defect, I will be toning down my diatribe towards the NC1.

As I've said previously, many forget that DocL was a raving fan, until he had reason not to be. I challenge anyone, who experiences what DocL experienced, to continue to be a raving fan!!!! For the years that he had his NA1, and in the beginning with the new car, he was a major contributor to the community. His experience with the new car, was criminal on the part of Acura, and he continued to contribute, in ways that others could unfortunately benefit from, if they face the same problems!!
Landlawman. If you truly want some advice from someone else who has experienced this, and I'm not talking about me, I have kept in touch with another fellow who's car had your exact problems and his car was bought back. However I'm not going to keep extending my offer to help much longer. I'm going to be gone fairly soon from the NSX community.

It's up to you. This is my last offer to help.


I've offered to help out LandLawMan, but it seems to have landed on deaf ears. So I'm now rescinding my offer to connect him with the owner who had his exact problems. Done. I'm no longer offering anyone any help. Go track your car and pretend there is nothing wrong with it.


My offer is now rescinded. Why should I care about someone else possibly having a serious problem that could cause a crash and injury?

See how quick that turned around RPM? You can say my altruism is no longer applicable to people who may need help in dealing with AHM.

DocL, I know you’re leaving this forum. But before you go, I wanted to help you.

You offered to help me. I did not take you up on your offer. In your anger or frustration for my not taking you up on your offer, your solution was to rescind the very offer that I didn’t take you up on. OK. Makes utterly no sense whatsoever. But...OK.

Then you claim that you were (were!) being “altruistic.” So here’s my offer to help you — even though you rescinded your offer to help me: Altruism, sir, by definition does not depend on external factors, like whether the recipient of your ‘altruism’ appreciates or even welcomes the effort. One is altruistic, sir, not for the way it might make others feel.....but for the way it makes you feel. Hopefully now, you won’t embarrass yourself again elsewhere, by claiming that rescinded offers to help were originally altruistic endeavors. And if you do offer to help people and then rescind the offer because it wasn’t accepted, you are perfectly within your rights to do so, sir. Just please don’t disguise your original efforts by claiming “altruism.”

This topic is near-and-dear to my heart. It’s why I went to law school.

I only reply now because you said you were leaving this forum. And I wanted to help you before you go.

Lastly, I’m very sorry that you had such a bad experience with your car. But I don’t think that makes everyone at AHM incompetent or deceptive. Same with the dealership. Hopefully, when someone with whom you are associated makes a colossal blunder (and — being only human — they will!), the poor customer/victim won’t blame you.

Best of luck with whatever your next ride will be.

I've offered to help out LandLawMan, but it seems to have landed on deaf ears. So I'm now rescinding my offer to connect him with the owner who had his exact problems. Done. I'm no longer offering anyone any help. Go track your car and pretend there is nothing wrong with it.


DocL, I know you’re leaving this forum. But before you go, I wanted to help you.

You offered to help me. I did not take you up on your offer. In your anger or frustration for my not taking you up on your offer, your solution was to rescind the very offer that I didn’t take you up on. OK. Makes utterly no sense whatsoever. But...OK.

Then you claim that you were (were!) being “altruistic.” So here’s my offer to help you — even though you rescinded your offer to help me: Altruism, sir, by definition does not depend on external factors, like whether the recipient of your ‘altruism’ appreciates or even welcomes the effort. One is altruistic, sir, not for the way it might make others feel.....but for the way it makes you feel. Hopefully now, you won’t embarrass yourself again elsewhere, by claiming that rescinded offers to help were originally altruistic endeavors. And if you do offer to help people and then rescind the offer because it wasn’t accepted, you are perfectly within your rights to do so, sir. Just please don’t disguise your original efforts by claiming “altruism.”

This topic is near-and-dear to my heart. It’s why I went to law school.

I only reply now because you said you were leaving this forum. And I wanted to help you before you go.

Lastly, I’m very sorry that you had such a bad experience with your car. But I don’t think that makes everyone at AHM incompetent or deceptive. Same with the dealership. Hopefully, when someone with whom you are associated makes a colossal blunder (and — being only human — they will!), the poor customer/victim won’t blame you.

Best of luck with whatever your next ride will be.

On multiple occasions I offered assistance through PM as I have information and contacts when dealing with these situations. You are right that as a result of my anger I rescinded my offer, but being that you are an attorney I guess I can understand your reasoning. I also have read about your posts on crashing your motorcycles and your Rolex watches. There's a reason why I use DocL as a username. Google it. :)

So a little FYI. My father was once the attorney on the Lemon Law Arbitration Panel in Florida. He knows how the process works from the other side. I informed the AG office that I was going to have him represent me and they said it was fine. I also hired another lawyer who specializes in contract law. So I was well covered in all aspects of the law, especially pertaining to the Lemon Law in the state of Florida.

If it didn't seem like I needed help, well you now know why. I live by the sentence in my signature line that I got in a fortune cookie 15 years ago. "Education will never be as expensive as ignorance."
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UPDATE on my shutdown issues after 2 days at the racetrack....

After having the car leave me on the side of the road the first time it went into limp mode, and after the car did it again (but this time I gave it 20 mins, restarted, and it worked itself out), and after it did it yet a third time...the Dealer replaced the battery. They said it “should” solve the problem. And they said that having the car on the track would be the ultimate test.

A couple of my brethren here also voiced concern that the car might go into limp mode again if pushed hard on the track. A legitimate concern, given this car’s short but eventful history.

I am happy (and HUGELY relieved) to report that the car performed flawlessly on the track at MSXPO. And I wasn’t holding back, as a glimpse of my Speedo will confirm.

So, I think it’s fair to conclude that if your NSX goes into limp mode when pushed hard, replacing the battery will solve the problem.


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Glad to hear it was just the battery. It's great that you are able to enjoy the car as it was designed to be driven. We already know my sentiments towards the car. :(

If this was your first NSXPO, you have experienced on of the best car communities around. I have made lifelong friendships as a direct result of owning only my Gen1.
My stock Conti's got 10k miles. My Michelins are in line with that plus a little.

Huh. I only drove my car to work which was 20mi a day and my rear tires were done at 5000mi. No track time ever. After the gas tank recall, my rear tires only lasted 200 to 500 miles, and eight tires were consumed in about 2000mi. My car probably had a problem even before the tech screwed the car up. However I figured that 5k-6k miles would be the average life of the tires so I never really inquired about the excessive wear.