Galena, Illinois Overnight Trip, April 21st-22nd

28 May 2015
La Grange, Illinois
Hi Everyone!

I hope that you guys are all having a nice winter, but are also looking ahead to spring and the breaking out of your cars from winter storage. Visal has come up with the idea of taking an overnight trip to Galena, Illinois, leaving on April 21st and returning on April 22nd. Galena is the hometown of President and General Ulysses S. Grant and is tucked away in the northwest corner of Illinois. The area offers winding roads (such as the Stagecoach Trail), a charming downtown full of shops, and the luxurious Eagle Ridge Resort where we will be staying. This should be a very spouse/fiance/girlfriend/friend-friendly event! I would encourage everyone to google Eagle Ridge Resort and Galena to learn more about the area. If you would like to go then please book your room at the Eagle Ridge Resort for the night of April 21st. As of now, room availability looks very good, but should anyone decide to wait too long to reserve a room then they could find that the hotel is full. Please consider making your reservations soon.

We will be meeting at 9:00 a.m. in the Mariano's parking lot, just off the north side of the Kennedy Expy at the Cumberland Avenue exit. Maps will be distributed before we leave. More information will be forthcoming in the weeks and months ahead. Should this sound like fun, then please join us! Please respond to this thread or send me a pm if you're going so that we can have some idea as to how many people to expect.
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Thanks again Jeff for putting together the post and write up. My wife Jezzica and I will be attending and have that booked in our calendar. Should be booking room for the night of June 16th and will let you know when I do so. I’ll also make sure to share this post with others we know and on Facebook Midwest owners group
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Thanks again Jeff for putting together the post and write up. My wife Jezzica and I will be attending and have that booked in our calendar. Should be booking room for the night of June 16th and will let you know when I do so. I’ll also make sure to share this post with others we know and on Facebook Midwest owners group
Sali_37, please note that the dates are April 21st and 22nd, not June 16th and 17th!
PM one of the mods, RSO34, and he can change the title for you, I think.
Gen 2 owner here that would love to join your tour. I live 20 miles west of Galena, so I'd try to hook up with you somewhere around Rockford and then on to Galena. Can't stay overnight because my wife is in a race in Des Moines the next day. There are some great little county roads south of Elizabeth and the Territories. Every now and then you'll run into a bit of rough pavement, but most of them are very smooth with tight corners and sweeping hills. Bring on Spring!
Steve, we would love for you to join us! The more the merrier. You are most likely the closest to our destination too so no reason not to bring out the Gen 2. Looking forward to meeting you and bringing together everyone to get out on those awesome twisty roads.
I think I am going to try to rope my wife into this. It's her Birthday weekend so maybe I can play off that :)
Hopefully I will see you guys there.
FWIW, I am not going to be able to make this. I have a work conflict that I have been trying to resolve but it's clear that my efforts have been unsuccessful. Sorry, guys! I hope those of you who do go have a great time!
How many do we have confirmed? I won't be able to leave with you guys on Saturday morning but I will try to join the group in the evening.
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Is this still happening? I'd join up around Rockford somewhere, so can someone post the map you're following here?

The current forecast looks ok, but the roads will probably have plenty of salt on them still.
Chasing VTEC, PrimeMvr, Pruhnke, Tangoman -

Hi everyone. The date is creeping closer. Hopefully weather stays dry and sunny. Everyone wanto meet in Rockford, IL on Saturday morning around 10am or so? Myself and few others will be driving from Arlington Heights, IL (northwest CHICAGO suburb) and taking off around 8am or so. We will take I90 west and make a pit stop somewhere in Rockford (coffee shop or something) to meet up with others. Guys if you are still interested, Private message me with your phone number so we can keep in contact if you decide to join us. Brylek, since you’re meeting us later, just hit me up when you’re on the way buddy. Thanks all

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Also wanted to add that we will be taking the scenic route toward Galena, IL named Stagecoach Trail which starts right around the town of Lena, IL and heads north above Route 20. says this route is picturesque with a gently curving and hilly two-lane road that passes through charming historic towns and dairy country. Stagecoach road (starting from Lena to Galena) is 37 miles long and takes about 50 minutes.

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Visal asked me to do a few alternative maps. All three are based on first getting to Lena from Rockford on Hwy 20. If anyone knows of a better route to Lena than just cruising 20, feel free to post it.

The original suggestion of Stagecoach is an excellent one, view it here

A southern alternative is to head down to Hanover at Stockton and come back up on Blackjack Rd. (nice tight twisty blacktop)

Or do a combination, starting on Stagecoach and ending on Blackjack.

From Lena, option 1 is 55 mins, option 2 1:16, option 3 is 1:30. All three are good drives and it comes down to when does the group want to arrive in Galena? Rockford to Lena is about 45 minutes.
Have a great time

Today was a really fantastic day and I got to enjoy the car with the window down for a change

Soon, the snow tires will be coming off
Sorry for the delayed followup. It was a dreary weather day and the county roads down through Hanover and up to Galena were covered in sand, but we had fun nonetheless. I had to depart once we got to Galena, but the rest hung out in Galena and stayed in a cabin north of town.

These were taken by Visal, hope he doesn't mind me posting. I was a picture loser that day.









Thanks for posting! It was awesome to have met you Steve! It was a blast trying to keep up with you even though I really couldn’t haha. Definitely going to have to organize another one of these Galena meet and drives - hopefully more can join. Looking forward to our next NSX event in Lake Geneva June 10th!