I checked the Factory Service Manuals, but could not discern how to adjust the Tachometer signal by way of the pot(s) on the top of the gauge cluster.
Long story short, I had a gauge cluster fire a couple years back-
(see post #15 here; http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php/170618-oem-head-unit-capacitors?highlight=gauge+fire )
I was able to procure a working used cluster and transfer my odometer to it, then send it to Briank to rebuild it with new capacitors.
It works GREAT, except that for some reason the Tachometer has read a little high ever since.
Does anyone have any information on how to properly adjust the (2) pots above the Tachometer on the gauge cluster, so I can lower the displayed revs?
Long story short, I had a gauge cluster fire a couple years back-
(see post #15 here; http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php/170618-oem-head-unit-capacitors?highlight=gauge+fire )
I was able to procure a working used cluster and transfer my odometer to it, then send it to Briank to rebuild it with new capacitors.
It works GREAT, except that for some reason the Tachometer has read a little high ever since.
Does anyone have any information on how to properly adjust the (2) pots above the Tachometer on the gauge cluster, so I can lower the displayed revs?