Jay Leno's Garage reviewing NSX G2...

Thanks! Enjoying this over lunch. Funny, there's a Ford GT350R review on the same page, and I've been emailing my ex-coworker buddy at Ford who still works there. He says new hires out of college at Ford are now given a 350 to take home to enjoy for the weekend. Yow!

Who's silver 02+ is on the video?
Nice video -- car looks really good in black. They spent a lot of time on it when parked and going over design/features which Jay seemed to really like. However, he didn't talk much about the driving characteristics at all (no detail) but did say it was amazing. I like Leno's commentary in general but I was a little disappointed by his lack of technical analysis of the driver experience. As an endorser of Acura, I'm not sure how open/unbiased he can be.

That being said, the way it looks on the road makes me want one.
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I really enjoyed watching this video and hearing the perspectives and some more history. I had to laugh out loud when Jay said, "Jerry and I did this commercial 5 yrs ago." Ouch. But I thought the review was very good. It was nice to see an in car impression by a true car lover. Jay obviously had some quiet reservation initially but once they hit the twisties the car really shined (just like the 1.0) and won him over.
Good video & explanation....lots of thought went into the details.

Well done!
Jay's best attribute is he has driven everything ...so his impressions have sound basis.
"Leggings are not pants!"
Bizarre choice of attire! And in typical Jay Leno's Garage fashion, he popped the engine lid and talked about the trunk while ignoring the engine!
Regardless, the car looks great, just wish it was filling the price gap left by the gen 1 R8 V8...
Who said that leggings aren't pants? Jay?

Anyway, he was definitely disappointed by the 9 speed transmission. And I also felt he didn't like something about it but just didn't say it aloud. Having said that, the car on the road looks amazing.

Also, very surprised he was in a commercial for this yet he was reviewing it sort of like "so..what is it that we have here..oh ok...N-S-X you say?". That's what I felt like the video was yet he was in the original commercial!?
She doesn't like the cool spoiler and talked about positioning the side mirror so the intake and B pillar take up the view as if that's a good thing. Interesting. :) Lots of deflecting any talk of metrics, like Cd or shift times, which is kind of disappointing. A technological powerhouse with lots to talk about and be proud of and the only number I heard was gear count. All did seem kind of throttled back. A fun watch tho, looks nice on the streets.
When they pan by the car close you can see that the tires were the Conti's :confused:. When he first started driving he was probably waiting to get some kinda road response, just some sorta feedback to get him excited. Until they hit the twisties all he got was some good pulls.

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The grilles look a lot better on a black car. But too many other design elements disappear. I'm surprised they would use that color for a car when Jay would be reviewing the design. I guess there aren't too many around.
Honestly, I think there is too much focus on the stock tires being not "high performance" enough. Most people who buy these supercars will rarely take them to the track. Even if it should be experienced at least once. The R compound like rubber is usually more for show than actual use.

Even Leno has gone to say that he has no idea what he's doing on the track, which is a fair assessment of most owners, including *some of the bravado-filled posters on Prime.
Nice video -- car looks really good in black. They spent a lot of time on it when parked and going over design/features which Jay seemed to really like. However, he didn't talk much about the driving characteristics at all (no detail) but did say it was amazing. I like Leno's commentary in general but I was a little disappointed by his lack of technical analysis of the driver experience. As an endorser of Acura, I'm not sure how open/unbiased he can be.

That being said, the way it looks on the road makes me want one.

The drive event has an embargo of a few weeks [not sure of exact number], probably to allow the print media to be in on the act. Until then details and impressions are frowned upon, which probably explains Leno's video's lack of detail.
Did she say the aim was to keep things simple and light weight?


that is funny!

The drive event has an embargo of a few weeks [not sure of exact number], probably to allow the print media to be in on the act. Until then details and impressions are frowned upon, which probably explains Leno's video's lack of detail.

Jay's show is the media...

Lots of deflecting any talk of metrics, like Cd or shift times, which is kind of disappointing. A technological powerhouse with lots to talk about and be proud of and the only number I heard was gear count. All did seem kind of throttled back. A fun watch tho, looks nice on the streets.

that was pretty interesting, i wondered myself why they weren't throwing out any actual numbers but kept referring to "being as good as anyone else" in regards to the definitive stats.

all in all a very good review, and typical Jay to a tee. he's a simple bloke but knows just about every car every manufactured and has driven everything...
that was pretty interesting, i wondered myself why they weren't throwing out any actual numbers but kept referring to "being as good as anyone else" in regards to the definitive stats.

Ted has been toeing that line in every speech I have seen and personally I think it is silly and foolish. In an automotive world of statistics you can't just stick your head in the sand and pretend these numbers don't exist. If your car is fat and heavy, don't avoid the question - come right out and face it. If your car has a shitty coefficient of drag, don't try to sugar coat it and pretend.

We aren't fooled.