5th Annual Late Summer Beach BBQ 9-27


Legendary Member
9 July 2010
Fountain Valley, Ca.
It's That Time Again

We will be having our 5th Annual Late Summer Beach BBQ on Sunday September 27th in Huntington Beach again but at a different location this year. It will be at or near the covered picnic tables near Newland Ave. Enter the parking lot at Magnolia Ave and go right about 1/2 mile and look for the NSX Banner. It will start at 10:00 am and will be a pot luck as always.

It would be nice if someone would volunteer to get there early to save 1 or 2 of the covered picnic tables.

Post if you will be there and if you have a guest and what you will be bringing.

1. LMR (Les & Irene) Egg Rolls, Table and Easy Up Tent
2. mcano (Mario & Sally) BBQ Grill, Tables, Easy up Tent and Music
3. Kyras (Patty & Ricky) Brownies & Lemon Bars
4. RedWings (Chase & Dawn) Hotdogs, Brats, Sausages, and Buns
5. MexiRicer (Robert & Kat) Carne Asada, Torillas and Salsa
6. Ready2Huynh (Tony & Liz)
7. excellon (Jeff & ?)
8. S2k-Nsx (Tony & ?)
Fried Rice and Egg Rolls
9. Kit 1996 (Kit)
3 Dozens of Empanadas
10. racer9x (Javier & ?)
Chips "the lords chips"
11. Win909 (Win & Lily) Ribs and Chicken
12. Thanhnsx (Thanh & ?) Plastic Utensils, Paper Plates and Napkins
13. jagtiger (Henry & Mae) Mediterranean Food
14. skafia (Ngoan & Alanis & Avie) Watermelon
15. sicarius82 (Vu Family) Water and Soda
16. MarineNSX93 (Michael) ?
17. joeytai (Joey) Cake
18. BillyJoe (Stanley & ?) Sushi Rolls
19. fannypackboy (Tony) Smoked Salmon
20. flexthatdx (Jimmy) Vegetable Tray & Dip
21. NSX 888 (David & Hua) Pate Chaud
22. jojodelkokomo24 (Joe Ochoa) Baked Bean Casserole
23. Kristopher Rouse & girlfriend Chicken and Potato Wedges
24. Shawn Berg Korean BBQ Meat.
25. Tony Hsu. Spam Musubi
26. Therdee Macayan & wife Soda, Ice & Cooler.
27. Vince Parrilli Deserts
28. Valhalla (JC & Pam) Cole Slaw and Potato Salad
29. DSTNSX (Danny & Shirley) Spicy Chicken Wings
30. PhAnToM (Marc & ?) Turkey Burger Patties, Buns & Condiments
31. mike2la (Mike) Samosa
32. NsXMaS (Frank & ?) Dumplings or some unique hors d'oeuvres
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I'm in and bringing Ricky who I met at the end of last year's BBQ, as he was leaving the beach and I pushed my lemon bar on him.

I'll bring brownies and lemon bars, as usual.
Chase and Dawn - hotdogs, brats, sausages, and buns
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50/50 chance of me making it out, if so I will bring a sidekick and chips, most likely "the lords chips" if I get them from Nacho Libre :)
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Robert + Kat. Carne asada torillas salsa.

Last edited by MexiRicer; 09-15-2015 at 10:56.Reason: Les was crying about me bringing pizza.

A Mexican bringing Costco Pizza to a BBQ:confused: :rolleyes:Your new name on Prime will LazyMexiRicer:biggrin:
Last edited by MexiRicer; 09-15-2015 at 10:56.Reason: Les was crying about me bringing pizza.

A Mexican bringing Costco Pizza to a BBQ:confused: :rolleyes:Your new name on Prime will LazyMexiRicer:biggrin:

Hey man, whats wrong with Pizza!?? Lazy is automaticay implied in the prefix "Mexi-" hahahah. Anyways, hope @mcano's grill is ready to fire up some asada :D
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Hey man, whats wrong with Pizza!??

Pizza is for house parties not a beach BBQ:wink: Thanks for coming to your senses and bringing real BBQ items.

Anyways thanks buddy for the back and forth banter, I really miss the days when it was a daily thing here in the SoCal section.:smile:
Pizza is for house parties not a beach BBQ:wink: Thanks for coming to your senses and bringing real BBQ items.

Anyways thanks buddy for the back and forth banter, I really miss the days when it was a daily thing here in the SoCal section.:smile:

We should have a section for that where we can chat but not have our post count go up. I would hate to have almost 3k posts and 95% of them consist of insults to other members about their bbq contribution selection and name-calling them based on their race :)
We should have a section for that where we can chat but not have our post count go up.

It's called texting like we were doing before posting here LOL

Great responce here so far, it's going to be a fun day at the beach.:smile:
I may be coming with my wife and two kids. Will be bringing refreshments (holy water and something bubbly). Long + 3.
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