Center tail light removal

27 February 2012
Pinewood, MN
Might be a silly question but I'm wondering what the step by step is to remove my center tail light I'm trying to remove the Acura sticker, just figured it would be faster asking you guys. Thanks
take the 4 carpet plugs off the rear carpet, remove 4 8mm nuts, pull lens out.

then bake the lens on a cookie sheet with a hand towel at the lowest temp your oven can go. for about 15 min

pull lens out of oven, try and pull the outer lens off if its still stuck that mean the glue has not fully softened
put back in oven crank the temp up 10 degrees let sit another 5-8 min pull out

the outer lens glue will be fully soft and pulling on it will release it make sure not to get any of the glue on anything as its a bit_h to get off, slide the acura letters out push back together.

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Works really well, just take your time and follow the directions. I did this a couple of months ago.
fyi. You can't slide the Honda logo out of the jdm version. Its metalised in there.
ie if you want it black rather than silver.

you can sand the logo off, then polish the plastic, then hand paint the logo black then reassemble. Works a treat :wink:
I have never done the JDM version as they are so rare it would take someone insane to do it LOL