Engine crank...no start...no power to fuel pump....

Back in posts #35 - #37 you got some pretty weird results with your existing relay. With your new relay in the socket, go back and repeat the test with the ignition switch in the run position and grounding pin #8 on the relay. Use a back probe such as a bare single strand #18 or #20 wire to insert into the back of the socket to make contact with pin #8 . The pump should start and you should get +12 v on pin #7 .

You confirmed that you were getting 12v on pin #7. Did you also confirm 12 v on pin 6 with the Ign Sw in run and 12 v on pin 4 with the ign Sw in start? You should have 12 v on pin 1 all the time?

The harness test procedure you posted has wire colors that do not match the NSX test procedure so I did not check it. If you used the NSX test procedure I posted and everything checked OK, the pump should start when you ground pin 8 with the ignition switch in the run position.
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Yes, I did get some strange stuff in those posts. When I tried my old relay I got "normal" results and no issues when I twisted around the relay at all like the "new" relay. I did notice when I did the relay test on the new relay there was a small piece of wire on the board of it. I'm wondering if that was hitting something thing causing those issues?

I am going to run the gamut this weekend on it all again now with my brand new relay. I'll report back with results.
Ok...finally, I went though all of the tests and the result.....EMS. I once again connected the borrowed EMS I have and this time it worked. I must not have gotten it plugged in fully the last time I tried it. I was able to switch the EMS's back and forth a few times and replicate this every time with the borrowed EMS working and mine not. So...my options are either buy a new/used EMS or more permanently bypass power to the fuel pump with the ignition on.
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