Machu Picchu - question

3 June 2006
The wife and I are thinking about taking a trip to Machu Pichu, the Amazon and Lima Peru. My question is, if any of you have been and if so was it worth it? We have been to Costa Rica and really enjoyed the Arenal Vocano area. Any insight would be apprecieated.
I haven't been there but have gone to the Galapagos twice and Macchu Picchu is always an optional "add on" and those who have chosen to add it to the Galapagos itinerary have raved about doing it.
I have been to the Galapagos with the add on to Manchu Picchu. Amazing experience,we hiked the inca trail to the sun gate and stayed at the sanctuary lodge. This is not for the faint of heart it was difficult but very rewarding.
Pm if you would like more details.
The wife and I are thinking about taking a trip to Machu Pichu, the Amazon and Lima Peru. My question is, if any of you have been and if so was it worth it? We have been to Costa Rica and really enjoyed the Arenal Vocano area. Any insight would be apprecieated.

My wife has been twice, I have been once..took 4 kids with us. 11-17 yrs old...Allow 9 days at least so you can see everything. We took planes, trains, etc... We even took a small boat 2 hrs into the rain forest and stayed in cabins without electricity....The bar had a generator, it was a blast. We have friends who live here in the states who are from Peru, we considered buying waterfront property there as an investment. Go to Machu Pichu sooner than later, it is becoming more and more commercial each year, worth going and not that difficult to climb, I am 53 and out of shape and did it........ Go for it............
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I missed Machu Picchu when my friends went. I wished I hadn't every time I see a photo.
Please consider it - you will have the time and memories the rest of your life - like Costa Rica.
As Mark Twain said "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness"
Thanks all for the responses, your imput is pushing me toward going. I haven't heard of too many people that have gone and didn't want to spend money on a destination we wouldn't enjoy. From the sounds of it we will have a great time if we go.
My friends have been to Machu Picchu.

Of the 5 that have been all said to make sure that you are in good cardio vascular health since there a hike and at the top it's about 8,000 feet above sea level.

Also, be prepared for bug bites.

And lastly, if ur spoiled by 1st world facilities then u might be in for a surprise.


Well, it's offical we will be going to Peru. Thanks again to all those who responded. I only hope we go when there are no Aliens or naked beatniks hanging around.

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