Throttle body coolant bypass.

28 November 2009
I thought i would share this with you guys...

My throttle coolant was bypassed by my mechanic upon my request and i wasn't sure how he had done it.

Well now i believe i do.

I will show you how it's done and it's so easy!!!!

Please someone clarify this is correct.

Why would you want to bypass your throttle body coolant? Why would you want warm coolant passing by a cold intake feed that may transfer heat to the throttle body thus warming intake temps? I believe it was designed to warm a valve up inside the throttle body when the engine was cold for colder climates. Don't hold me to this though.

Under my throttle body i have a left and right barb this is the coolant feed.

Picture below shows a silicone hose in a loop, i believe this is how it was bypassed. i think the left of the loop would go to the left barb on the bottom of the throttle body and the right barb would normally go to the right end of the hose. The studs in the picture you see is where the throttle body bolts to.

It might be a good idea to cap the throttle body barbs off.

If you perform this mod, coolant is going to go everywhere when you remove these hoses and you will need to top up and maybe even bleed the system.

Another advantage is it makes the car so much easier to work on!! i can now remove my throttle body without having to worry about coolant.



Interesting. This is one of those "free horsepower mods" that LS1 guys have been doing for quite a while (under the philosophy of "every little bit helps"). I've wondered whether other cars had a similar set up.
If you drive in cooler weather, you might want to keep it as is. I know when it was cooler and I had my meth injection that the throttle body would freeze closed after a hard pull for a few seconds when I had mine bypassed.