I'm a fan of Cody and his work but we disagree on the subject of scavenging. I suppose you can have worse disagreements between friends but I never liked the fact that my car smoked under acceleration and when the car came to rest then accelerated after spirited highway driving. Due to the plumbing of the oil return, the Precision turbo just wouldn't gravity drain sufficiently to keep up with the pressurized oil coming to the bearings.
Cody wanted to redo the set-up using a Garrett turbo which he has had better luck with not smoking. That would require a trip to Traverse or to Source One as well as a retune, as well as a cash influx of 5K-ish. But to me the issue is physics more than everything and rather than switching everything around to try to cheat physics (for a while) I decided to scavenge after seeing some of Oki-Boy's build pics. I enlisted my friend Scott at Armstrong Automotive in Fairfield Ohio since he is a factory trained NSX tech and a little closer to me than Source One. I'm truly lucky to have both these NSX assets in the area where a lot of NSX owners don't even have one.
First, how could this really drain? Starting heading uphill right out of the turbo and essentially routed level to the pan:
So to scavenge I purchased a reservoir from SOS and a TurboWerx ExoPump Mini. The first order was to hang the pump but the reservoir bracket would mount where intended due to the exhaust so we fashioned a bracket:
Then bend a muffler mount that prohibited from getting the reservoir as high as we would have liked:
Affix the bracket to the reservoir:
And hang it behind the brace:
Further up on the same brace we fashioned a bracket for the pump:
And re-hang it:
Then it was all about the plumbing with some fittings from Total Performance Racing in Fairfield:
And to wire it with its own relay. That's it, no more smoke! Well, that kind of smoke anyway...
Cody wanted to redo the set-up using a Garrett turbo which he has had better luck with not smoking. That would require a trip to Traverse or to Source One as well as a retune, as well as a cash influx of 5K-ish. But to me the issue is physics more than everything and rather than switching everything around to try to cheat physics (for a while) I decided to scavenge after seeing some of Oki-Boy's build pics. I enlisted my friend Scott at Armstrong Automotive in Fairfield Ohio since he is a factory trained NSX tech and a little closer to me than Source One. I'm truly lucky to have both these NSX assets in the area where a lot of NSX owners don't even have one.
First, how could this really drain? Starting heading uphill right out of the turbo and essentially routed level to the pan:
So to scavenge I purchased a reservoir from SOS and a TurboWerx ExoPump Mini. The first order was to hang the pump but the reservoir bracket would mount where intended due to the exhaust so we fashioned a bracket:
Then bend a muffler mount that prohibited from getting the reservoir as high as we would have liked:
Affix the bracket to the reservoir:
And hang it behind the brace:
Further up on the same brace we fashioned a bracket for the pump:
And re-hang it:
Then it was all about the plumbing with some fittings from Total Performance Racing in Fairfield:
And to wire it with its own relay. That's it, no more smoke! Well, that kind of smoke anyway...