"The Perfect NSX" Jeff's Modified Magazine Cover Car

9 September 2007
Chicago Burbs
I had the pleasure of shooting Jeff's NSX for the August issue of Modified Magazine. Since the issue has finally been released, here are some high res photos of my shoot, as well as some unreleased photos. The article is really good, so I urge you to pick up an issue. You can even get the digital version of Modifed Magazine for your ipad/phone/etc.


Jeff's NSX by synth19, on Flickr

Jeff's NSX by synth19, on Flickr

Jeff's NSX by synth19, on Flickr

Jeff's NSX by synth19, on Flickr

Jeff's NSX by synth19, on Flickr

Jeff's NSX by synth19, on Flickr

Jeff's NSX by synth19, on Flickr

Jeff's NSX by synth19, on Flickr

Jeff's NSX by synth19, on Flickr
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and that is why it won the hottest NSX contest.
"the perfect nsx" is the only words that best describe this X. such a unique X that i hope to actually see in person one day. BEAUTIFUL!
Honda should have used your car as a proto-type to start with on the new NSX.
Again, Awsome car, your a true standard setter in our community.
I've got my copy!
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Wow! Drooling all over my desk .... Smoking HOT NSX!
Better get back to work now!!
Best NSX ~ I hope to see it on one of my midwest trips in person. I can appreciate all the detail that went into building this NSX.

Nothing on this car is the norm really which is what impresses me the most.

Easily this is one of my top 3 NSX's on this site..... :)
mmm soooo perfect!!
juice man your interior was pretty close......just sayin.:smile: