My Carbon Fiber projects

23 September 2011
Rhode island
Creating this post because I plan on continue to make my own parts.
Here's link to my first that I just finished .

Moving on to drivers side radiator bracket

How are you creating the mold? Clay then gelcoat, then fiberglass? I have a strong desire to tinker with composites like this, but have no clue where to start or what equipment to get.
How are you creating the mold? Clay then gelcoat, then fiberglass? I have a strong desire to tinker with composites like this, but have no clue where to start or what equipment to get.

Gelcoat first, then fiberglass when gelcoat is tacky and then let them both cure overnight.

I must of watched many many youtube videos and they definitely help.
Gelcoat first, then fiberglass when gelcoat is tacky and then let them both cure overnight.

I must of watched many many youtube videos and they definitely help.

Since your part did not have catalyst lock, I take it you first used mould release wax and/or PVA release?
I want more pics, I have so many ideas I wanna try but never did this before but I know I can do it.

I make a whole NSX chassis thats how crazy i am LOL
^^^go big or go home <<< worst advice but do it lol. My first composite part was a rear quarter panel and what a total mess up. I waisted materials, applied incorrect amounts of resin to pre preg the carbon, distorted the weave, wrong ounce weight weave, wrong tow in carbon, lots of air bubbles, vaccuum bag seal failed etc etc. A huge learning experience. Composites has many rewards and satisfaction once you obtain the know how in basics before moving to complex parts and creation from scratch your own part.
I want more pics, I have so many ideas I wanna try but never did this before but I know I can do it.

I make a whole NSX chassis thats how crazy i am LOL

Next will be door inserts
Then radio center console

And the ultimate goal is the Targa but not sure about that, I actually was able to pick up one
Really cheap here and after taking it apart seems like more work than I'm ready for at this time but we'll see
^^^go big or go home <<< worst advice but do it lol. My first composite part was a rear quarter panel and what a total mess up. I waisted materials, applied incorrect amounts of resin to pre preg the carbon, distorted the weave, wrong ounce weight weave, wrong tow in carbon, lots of air bubbles, vaccuum bag seal failed etc etc. A huge learning experience. Composites has many rewards and satisfaction once you obtain the know how in basics before moving to complex parts and creation from scratch your own part.

This is absolutely true to a t. Its really cool to see more guys working with composites on here!


Just needs to be cut and polished.....can't wait for final result

Only flaw I see is too much resin pooling in the corners, try cutting the carbon fiber in the corners next time and back it with a second layer of carbon before you infuse it. It will eliminate the "pooling" and wick up any excess resin. Otherwise, looks good.
Only flaw I see is too much resin pooling in the corners, try cutting the carbon fiber in the corners next time and back it with a second layer of carbon before you infuse it. It will eliminate the "pooling" and wick up any excess resin. Otherwise, looks good.

Thanks for info