Another NSX for sale - JH4NA2168XT000191

It has a burnt out pass-side driving light. Sorry, that's the extent of what I know:smile:. Looks really nice though.

That is a beautiful car, though. Reminds me of my first NSX (2001 Silverstone) that I purchased with only 14k miles on it. That one only lasted 14 mos before I sold it for job change : biggest mistake ever...
I wonder, though, with how prices on NA2 have been recently, if this one doesn't have a 'story' to the relatively low pricing point
I'm actually planning to talk to this dealer today with a view of checking the car out on the weekend. I haven't had any dealings with them before but they've been popping up in my searches for "interesting" cars fairly regularly. Some of their stock seems to be fairly stuck to the floor though, they've had both the Porsche 930 and the E28 M5 for a while.

I'll report back if I'm actually viewing the car, unfortunately I've had several incidents with dealers over in CA who decided that my pre-arranged financing (with either my local CU or PenFed) wasn't good enough for them and I'm too old to play that sort of game.
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Just spoke to the dealer - according to him, the car has both a clean title and clean Carfax, supposedly it has maintenance history but they're still trying to get that from the previous owner. From what he told me a local NSX specialist checked over the car and found it in good condition.

As to the "story" re the price, the car is for sale on consignment and the owner is looking for a quick sale as he's got the opportunity to buy another car and is in a bit of a hurry.

Let's see if the car is still there on the weekend, supposedly they've had lots of interest in it already.
As to the "story" re the price, the car is for sale on consignment and the owner is looking for a quick sale as he's got the opportunity to buy another car and is in a bit of a hurry.
I don't know if I buy that story. If the owner wanted to sell it quickly and with maximum exposure, he/she could have listed it on Prime/eBay/Autotrader/etc. rather than some dinky dealership that few people have heard of.

If it checks out, this is a great purchase. Too bad it wasn't listed for sale privately; buyers from AZ and Georgia could have purchased it without paying sales tax to the dealer.
I agree with the "too bad it's not listed privately" comment as I could just drive it up over the mountains and register it here without paying sales tax in NV.

It's not the first time I have encountered a classic car that I was interested in being sold as consignment via this dealership. Actually there seem to be a few specialists in CA who do mostly consignment sales. If you're a CA resident it doesn't matter either way as you're going to get stung for sales tax no matter what, but it's a little annoying given that a lot of people from up here buy cars down in CA.
I don't know if I buy that story. If the owner wanted to sell it quickly and with maximum exposure, he/she could have listed it on Prime/eBay/Autotrader/etc. rather than some dinky dealership that few people have heard of.

If it checks out, this is a great purchase. Too bad it wasn't listed for sale privately; buyers from AZ and Georgia could have purchased it without paying sales tax to the dealer.

What if the owner is having this dealership do all the footwork and expects them to sell the car in whatever manner they see fit? Perhaps if they can't get it sold in "X" amount of time, then the dealer is to list it on AutoTrader/eBay, etc.? Not everyone has the time to do that sort of thing.

Perhaps I'm speaking out of line, but it seems like a lot of people on here like to doom a car with no knowledge of the situation. I've seen a couple of cars on here that have gotten ripped apart by perspective buyer A, and then another person comes along to look at it, and it turned out to be an exaggeration all along.

Sorry, just saying. Not trying to rock the boat with you, PHOEN$X, anyone who owns 3 NSX's is A-OK in my book. ;) But you understand what I'm getting at.