What are the top 10 channels you would like to monitor from AEM EMS?

7 January 2013
I know its a bit troublesome, but I'm working with a company on some monitoring displays and I need to prioritize my channels that the AEM EMS emits. My current set up is a CTSC 96, but I want to hear what the general community would want displayed, if not 10 then top 8, or 5 w/e. Thanks!
I know its a bit troublesome, but I'm working with a company on some monitoring displays and I need to prioritize my channels that the AEM EMS emits. My current set up is a CTSC 96, but I want to hear what the general community would want displayed, if not 10 then top 8, or 5 w/e. Thanks!

engine speed
vehicle speed
o2 1
O2 2
Knock Volts 1
Knock Volts 2
ign timing

O2 1 FB
O2 2 FB
Air Temp
Coolant Temp
engine load


I run this on a netbook but the screen shot is from my main computer so its a little off. The netbook connects to the monitor SOS sells and is housed in the nav pod. I'll take a picture of that and post when I get the chance.
Nice, the current sample requires no netbook and plugs like a data stream gauge, this is a sample of one of the designs, although it could use some tweaking, I really enjoy the simplicity. Min max values and colors can be edited by user.
Ok, you have my full attention. Can you divulge any more details on what you are working on? If this is what I hope it is, I have been waiting forever to see this done. And it's obvious AEM refuses to do this themselves.
It works like a aem serial datastream gauge, only it displays the actual values etc. with out a computer! I will give you full contact and disclosure as soon as we can agree on what we want on the first page and second page. He will also be putting in an indicator showing if the car is knocking! all good stuff here. I will be doing a demo on my car as soon as the details are ironed out!
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Can anyone else chime in? Just want the general consensus before he finishes programming it! thanks!
Why not make it configurable?

You have a fixed width datastream and your decoding via address already so almost all of the work is already done...why not persist a vast majority from the stream to properties and allow the user to select the 10 slots, or even better have multiple layouts for display of various grouped data.

Also, what technology stack are you using? The UI looks like it could use a designers touch.

Also, I hope your taking a weighted average and throwing outliers away as the raw stream is too much refreshing in a non linear fashion for the human eye to effectively monitor on a low level function.

Additionally, what are you doing to alert the user of a variable outside of desired configurable range?

PM me if you want as I'm happy to help in any way I can for free. I also have no qualms with NDA or anything to that affect.

I'm an Engineer/Designer hybrid and I love this kind of thing.
From the programmer in response to my forward: it is designed to work with the screen that was already in your dash stereo. That being said there is no reason that any VGA or composite monitor will not work. So if one wants a 24" screen on their dash (hmmm?) then that can be used. Some configuration may be possible, however as I said up goes the complication, support, testing, etc. The UI could use an artists touch, no doubt! Results are not weighted and do not jump around as you may think. This was a concern but testing shows that the AEM is updating at a nice rate and hasnt spit out any bad data. This would also show up in the AEM logs. Alerts are sent by the AEM via 2 error flag channels. This is very good feedback and is appreciated. Also keep in mind that this will come in under $300 so its not meant to be a Racepak or Aim Dashboard. The alternative in the price range is the AEM Datastream gauge for $199 and that does one digital channel at a time. Its all a balance.
This is very interesting but I must admit.. i'm not 100% sure on what you're offering.

Are you offering a method to output data from the AEM EMS via a VGA or composite dash mounted monitor (i.e. 7" monitor)? They also have the DashDaq that have done similar but at a higher cost though with more features like data logging. I would be interested in your solution. Though it would matter if I decide to go with a AEM. I'm leaning towards the HKS F-Con at the moment with a composite video output.

* The numerical font on the display above is terrible. The old style digital number font is super hard to read especially if one was to glance on it during spirited/track drives.
* If you can incorporate audible alarms to go off if a certain peak value condition is met it would be fantastic (this would be for the fast sensors)
* I agree with cptnsx's list but i'd like to add items like fuel pressure (from an external sensor), oil pressure (stock sensor), oil temp (external sensor), and which tune you're on.
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The problem with DashDaq is that you have to work with the screen they give you, so out goes the idea of using the JDM nav pod or double din head display.

What I have not understood is why no one has tackled an app for iOS or Android? The processing power is already there, allows configuration, has a huge user base, adhoc/NFC/blutooth ability for in car/outside observation, etc. I could go on forever. Having to fire up Windows is ridiculous in this day and age. I can understand it for tuning, but all we want is raw data feed with alarm set points.
Agreed, This allows those with a double din monitor etc, to consolidate everything into it. Your options are simply this or the data stream gauge, the good news is he is completely open to ideas on how to make it better, including comments on the graphics, layout, options etc. I'm pleased with the price, just ironing out details and specifics to make this thing a great buy. I'm going to ask about the audible alarms as that would be a ket feature. Keep the feedback coming, and we can help polish this project up real nice.
This is one of the designs I used off a cadillac layout, tweaked a bunch of stuff around and this is what I got. It has 2 needs on left for both UEGO widebands, one front one back. Still gotta work out the fonts and scaling, but its just an idea. Tried to cover as much as I could with out having it cluttered, the programmer said making it trigger a buzzer or warning light should be doable. I believe the fuel pressure reading would have to be from an external sensor. It is tough to make something simple, clean, and stylish with out going over the top! Input is welcomed and appreciated; I have another design that uses needles instead of bars if you prefer I can upload that as well.

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I dont know it has come up but high and low holds would be great
How about, as a parameter starts to head towards dangerous territory, it starts to transition from cool white, yellow, orange and finally red. That way, instead of an on/off parameter that only alerts you once you are already in the danger zone, you have the ability to see if you are heading in a bad direction.

I really like the layout you have shown, but with one change. Instead of having Intake Air Temp as a simple numerical value, I would incorporate something like I just described. I'm thinking a bar that raises, widens and changes color as temperatures rise to fill in the center between the two gauges.
On it juice, and yes the bar color can change as the temp gets closer to what you set as a high and low! I'll update soon.
I like where this is headed. Hope you keep at it!

* If you're truly driving aggressively your eyes are likely on the road itself so this would be way too small to see in any sort of detail. This makes the alarms/beeps/warninglights super important.
* You have an opportunity here to design a nice visual warning feature. For example.. Let's say the AFRs get too high. The entire section of the AFR gauge should glow bright red. Same with redline. If redline is reached the entire gauge should glow in bright red.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AItzeT0J7pw?list=PLD31111A61C2DF45B" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
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To further L_RAO's direction...Here is a project I did for an OBD1 Honda ecu codebase.


This design will actually light up the peripheral ring to red if any setting is outside if range and also glow that setting in conjunction with expanding its size.

Its an iteration of the LFA peripheral ring design. I may be outfitting it for AEM if I can get my hands on a series 2 :)

In regards to this project, with a properly designed user experience/design this could be a super solid choice for any AEM equipped vehicle, especially for the price.

As I stated prior, I'd be happy to help in any form or fashion.
I love the layout, I would definitely want Actual numbers for the AFR, lambda values might be good since you don't know if user is running Gasoline or E85.
I like where this is headed. Hope you keep at it!

* If you're truly driving aggressively your eyes are likely on the road itself so this would be way too small to see in any sort of detail. This makes the alarms/beeps/warninglights super important.
* You have an opportunity here to design a nice visual warning feature. For example.. Let's say the AFRs get too high. The entire section of the AFR gauge should glow bright red. Same with redline. If redline is reached the entire gauge should glow in bright red.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AItzeT0J7pw?list=PLD31111A61C2DF45B" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
The problem with AFR, is that it's not a simple go no go gauge. You would want it to be a variable on a spreadsheet. If it could map with target AFR values then by all means would be very functional, but without a target AFR you can't just say 12.5:1 is too lean go red because all part throttle is higher than this. I'm sure it is doable but I'm not sure how advanced this would be.
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The problem with AFR, is that it's not a simple go no go gauge. You would want it to be a variable on a spreadsheet. If it could map with target AFR values then by all means would be very functional, but without a target AFR you can't just say 12.5:1 is too lean go red because all part throttle is higher than this. I'm sure it is doable but I'm not sure how advanced this would be.
instead of having lean stoich and rich would you like 9.0:1 10.0:1 etc ratios there instead?
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Lean and rich have very relative meanings, you can't just plant them on a chart and have them work for every setup. I commented above, if they were relative to a target AFR that was mapped somewhere then fine but without a target value, there is no knowing if you are rich/lean. Rich on an N/A setup may be 12.8:1 vs 11.2:1 on a FI setup. I like using lambda, many don't. This is all assuming you are using a wideband sensor of course.

How much programming freedom do you guys have? Can you change the entire display if you go over 80% throttle lets say? Or at least a few of the gauges to read differently.
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Lean and rich have very relative meanings, you can't just plant them on a chart and have them work for every setup. I commented above, if they were relative to a target AFR that was mapped somewhere then fine but without a target value, there is no knowing if you are rich/lean. Rich on an N/A setup may be 12.8:1 vs 11.2:1 on a FI setup. I like using lambda, many don't. This is all assuming you are using a wideband sensor of course.

How much programming freedom do you guys have? Can you change the entire display if you go over 80% throttle lets say? Or at least a few of the gauges to read differently.

Changing the AFR set up to read ratios right now, and what did you have in mind for over 80%?
I guess it looks good now with a throttle based switch, originally if the display was a chart like above I would have maybe wanted different stuff.

I would switch the throttle percent with the Speedo, throttle percent isn't too important. I'd move the IAT down to where the ECT(coolant temp) is. Make the ECT into a bar gauge that can curve with the 2 larger gauges. Gas gauge on the other side would be ideal but I don't think the ECU has this information. Also I wouldn't mind the AFR and boost gauges being a little bigger, also including vacuum values wouldn't be a bad idea. I like the ignition timing and knock being very subtle, but available.
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ok heard what you guys said, and here is an updated one. Keep em coming with the comments and advice. The brackets will probably blink for what caused the warning, in this case oil pressure
