Scammers are using compromised Prime member accounts to pose as a trusted seller in the marketplace. Before you enter into a deal with any seller, follow these tips to keep yourself safe. If you encounter one of these scammers, please report them immediately and we will lock their account.

    Caveat Emptor!

DANGER- Michael Mao; 4EXOTIC-NSX; Braulio Carbajal; Forbidden USA

26 January 2005
Curves and Bends
I am not sure how all these people are related; but I bought this item http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php/168613-OEM-WING-for-sale and received nothing as pictured. I received a wing that was cracked at the seam and the wiring harness had been cut off. Be extremely careful not to buy if any of these names come up. The number associated with this are 562-786-8209 and 562-841-5488. The address I received the package from was 1375 GLADYS AVE, Long Beach CA 90804. This seller is extremely manipulative and knows exactly what he is doing to steal your money. BE VERY CAREFULL!
After weeks of appeal and working with paypal, they issued a refund victory was short lived. Michael Mao appealed paypal's decision and I had to wait again. Paypal must of suggested that he worked with me. I received an email from an anonymous sender pretending to be paypal requesting I issued a refund and when i followed up with paypal, they suggested I forward it to their fraud department. I have concluded because the anonymous email had much of the private info from only which Michael Mao had.
To this day, Michael Mao is still banned from NSXPrime.com and its a travesty. I'm not sure who he was 26 months ago, but today, he is arguably the most well known NSX owner in import magazine publications and car shows on the west coast. He was banned from NSXPrime.com forever, and just recently got removed from the NSX Prime FB page, which apparently isnt even a real extension of this page.

Those of us that communicate with him now know him to be anything but some scam artist that is out to take peoples money.
Mr. Mao is welcome to contact me to discuss. He has never done so, just created multiple additional accounts under which to try and sell parts.