Testing vBulletin 4.x with a new EV site.. Please take a look!

10 February 2000
I've been looking for a way to test the 4.x version of the vBulletin software in preparation for upgrading the forum software here on NSX Prime.

I also find electric vehicles (including hybrids) increasingly interesting. It's clear they are where the entire industry is headed. Even the rumors for the NSX 2.0 are for a hybrid powertrain.

So I set up a new forum to bring the NSX Prime style to the EV world. This will also help me test vB4 and figure out how I want to use some of the new features.

I'd appreciate if you would take a moment to register and post a question about EVs, or a quick introduction if you already own an EV or hybrid of any time.

The only issue I am aware of right now is that I customized the colors and some of them are not ideal combinations; it's not always clear every place a given color element is used in the style template. I'll keep working on that; if you run across any really bad color combos please post the URL in the Site Questions & Announcements section.

Anyway I'd like to get feedback on whether you'd like to see some of the differences on the new site implemented here when I upgrade this site to vB4 in the near future.


Re: Testing vBulletin 4.x with a new site.. Please take a look!

Hi Lud,
I made a test post in the For Sale section and was unable to upload a file from my computer. The option to upload from a URL only worked if the "store file locally" box was checked. However the image was resized by the board's software to about 1/4 the size of the original file.
Re: Testing vBulletin 4.x with a new site.. Please take a look!

I signed up but never received a email.

Re: Testing vBulletin 4.x with a new site.. Please take a look!

I signed up and tried to use lud as a referrer but it kept kicking me out. i did get in but i left referrer blank.
Re: Testing vBulletin 4.x with a new site.. Please take a look!

Hi Lud,
I made a test post in the For Sale section and was unable to upload a file from my computer. The option to upload from a URL only worked if the "store file locally" box was checked. However the image was resized by the board's software to about 1/4 the size of the original file.

Interesting, I just posted a reply and uploaded a picture from my PC and it worked fine.. Did it give you a particular error message or just not work?

The resize is because the system generates a thumbnail within the message. If you click on the small pic it pops up the big version.
Re: Testing vBulletin 4.x with a new site.. Please take a look!

I signed up but never received a email.


In looking into that, I discovered that you had flagged an e-mail from NSX Prime as spam on May 25, 2012 - 12:34 PM (perhaps an accidental click?).

Anyway, when someone does that my mail server puts the e-mail address on a "do not deliver" list, so you haven't received any e-mail from my server in a few months. I just cleared you from the "do not deliver" list so you should get e-mails from the server again.

I also told the EV Prime forum to send you a new activation e-mail.
Re: Testing vBulletin 4.x with a new site.. Please take a look!

I signed up and tried to use lud as a referrer but it kept kicking me out. i did get in but i left referrer blank.

I don't have a user account on there under my name yet, just an admin account. So it was probably having an issue because the a referral user ID didn't exist. :wink:
Re: Testing vBulletin 4.x with a new site.. Please take a look!

In looking into that, I discovered that you had flagged an e-mail from NSX Prime as spam on May 25, 2012 - 12:34 PM (perhaps an accidental click?).

Anyway, when someone does that my mail server puts the e-mail address on a "do not deliver" list, so you haven't received any e-mail from my server in a few months. I just cleared you from the "do not deliver" list so you should get e-mails from the server again.

I also told the EV Prime forum to send you a new activation e-mail.

Hey thanks, was wondering why i no longer get PM emails. Cool

Re: Testing vBulletin 4.x with a new site.. Please take a look!

Did it give you a particular error message or just not work?

The latter.

*Edit* Working fine now Lud. I posted 2 replies in the original thread.
Last edited:
Re: Testing vBulletin 4.x with a new site.. Please take a look!

Lud, didn't help. Still didn't get the activation email or PM emails. Getting nothing in spam folder.

Re: Testing vBulletin 4.x with a new site.. Please take a look!

Lud, didn't help. Still didn't get the activation email or PM emails. Getting nothing in spam folder.


My fault. Apparently I'm an idiot and somehow didn't actually remove your address from the "do not deliver" list even though I was sure I had done so. Sorry about that!

Anyway I just did it (for real this time), and watched it successfully deliver the activation code e-mail to verify that it was working correctly.


On another note, I'd really like some more folks to test it and give feedback on what they like or don't like so I know how to best implement the vBulletin upgrade on this site. Maybe move some of the EV discussion from this section over there? Thanks in advance!
Re: Testing vBulletin 4.x with a new site.. Please take a look!

My fault. Apparently I'm an idiot and somehow didn't actually remove your address from the "do not deliver" list even though I was sure I had done so. Sorry about that!

Anyway I just did it (for real this time), and watched it successfully deliver the activation code e-mail to verify that it was working correctly.

Hey Thanks Lud, that did it! :smile:


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