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Advan RSII group buy: gauging interest

A view on some cars of the old RS:




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here is my car with the old advan rs on formula red. hope it help if someone looking to get a set of the new advan rs II get the idea.
Everytime I say I don't want black someone posts a picture like the one above and screws up my world again. LOL...

I am really torn between the two new colors I think both are awesome.

3.5LNSXR, is that 17/18 or 18/19?
Turbo2go i agreed with you, both of the new color will look awesome. I think the Racing Hyper Black will some what look like my ce28 formula silver. It litter bit lighter then my gunmetal rs.
my advan is 17/18

Turbo2go i agreed with you, both of the new color will look awesome. I think the Racing Hyper Black will some what look like my ce28 formula silver. It litter bit lighter then my gunmetal rs.
my advan is 17/18


that is EXACTLY the color i'm hoping it will be in hyper black! Turbo2go, flat black will mean less break dust will show :wink:
Yes I believe that will be the color.
3.5 what is your tire size, front and rear and what is your wheel offset and what BBK do you have? I am surprised your wheels are 17/18. They look big and i thought they are 18/19. Sorry too many questions. Your car looks really good. I was still on the fence but after looking at your car, I really like it. I like the hyperblack than the semi gloss black. The glossblack look too dark for my taste.

Turbo2go i agreed with you, both of the new color will look awesome. I think the Racing Hyper Black will some what look like my ce28 formula silver. It litter bit lighter then my gunmetal rs.
my advan is 17/18

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in for price... I would to know if the offsets would be aggressive? Thats what i'm looking for.
You can certainly get 18/19. But your tire selection will be much smaller and worse, your wheels will be heavier and cost more, and if you have OEM brakes they will look tiny. Still. Even the 18/19 won't be as heavy as 90% of the rest, so at least from a weight standpoint it's still pretty light. You just spend more for a bit less performance on a wheel that already looks large. But if the cosmetics matter to you most, at 18/19 these will look huge. No problem at all being in the group.
Turbo2go i agreed with you, both of the new color will look awesome. I think the Racing Hyper Black will some what look like my ce28 formula silver. It litter bit lighter then my gunmetal rs.
my advan is 17/18


If these are really 17/18, then I'm definitely down... Some of these combos look small while others look large. I definitely prefer performance over pure looks, but I'm not a "track" person either way. hell, I'm only home 36 hours a week. Hyper Black
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Guys I did not expect this kind of response. I thought there would be 2-3 people. We have a dozen or so interested parties now which means the best possible pricing. Do you guys understand how I am doing this? I am not a vendor, this is not a traditional group buy. I am simply gathering a list of serious buyers, shopping for the best possible price. I am going to any any all vendors and saying "here mr. Wheel seller. We are 12 people (or 15 or 20 or whatever)... What can you do for us?"

I am then going to pick the best couple of vendors and we place our orders. Everyone gets the best possible price due to the buying power. I am not collecting money, I am not dealing with sales, I will simply say "this is the guy, this is our price". I want everyone to know I am paying the exact same price as everyone else, I am doing this so we can all benefit.

I have as many PM's as I have people posting on this thread. I will get some updated arrival times and p everyone at what prices I am getting thus far. Please understand that the price will be very good but there is a bottom. We aren't going to get past that bottom as the wheel has a certain cost. But.., it will be the best deal you can get for sure. I am going to run this thread for a couple of more weeks, depending on availability and shipping, etc. Thanks everybody, I think you will be very happy!!
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Only downside is everyone on prime is going to sport the same wheel... LOL... I thought I'd be unique but I guess not. Matters not, I much prefer you guys to get something good than me be cool. Hahaha
please note. This last red nsx is a volk, not the rsii. Please ignore this pic that is now mixed in. The apprpriate pic is first red nsx. The rsii has no lip
^^this is what Turbo meant. The pic below is a Volk ce28 like user 3.5 said, not RS. The volk has a lip while the RS has no lip, and I think the volk below is a 18/19 setup.

I think the Racing Hyper Black will some what look like my ce28 formula silver. It litter bit lighter then my gunmetal rs.
my advan is 17/18

3.5, were those 17/18 or 18/19?

I already asked this. That is a 17/18. As you can see the 17/18 RS looks as large if not larger than the Volk with a lip. Both nice wheels of course, but if you are going the 17/18 performance route you really don't want a lip. It's all about spoke length. But not just where it extends to, a thicker spoke looks shorter. advans are very thin. Where the spoke starts also matters in its length, and the advan starts as close to the center as possible short of the styles that have pushed the lugs in between the spokes. Being concave also adds to the visual of length.
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OK here is an updated list, please PM or reply to confirm sizing and state which color you prefer. You aren't commited to anything until we have selected a vendor, but I want to make sure my list is accurate and I am not forgetting anyone:

1) Turbo2go 17/18 Racing Hyper black
2) Matt 337 17/18 Racing Hyper black
3) Speedmasta77 17/18
4) NSXRay1 17/18
5) Regular 18/19
6) sippy2 17/18
7) Netviper 17/18
8) Ric 17/18 Racing Hyper Black
9) Nero Tenebre 17/18
10) Eiffel 17/18
11) SScnell 17/18
12) Kublakhan 17/18
13) Kuni 17/18
14) Hlakhani 17/18
15) Fuoss484 17/18

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Guys please cut and paste the list and adde your color in a quote. It'll save me some PM's. Thanks.

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