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Plasti-dip Questions and answers

I already finished all 4 wheels yesterday. I'm still recovering from 11 hours of body ache and blister fingers :(

I didn't peel it off, but when I was tightening the lug nuts, some areas came off pretty easily though. I ripped certain part off and just repainted the area with the lug nuts on.

If they ever peel off in the future, I'm going to get it painted black matte by professional.

Before you do the remaining wheels, did you try peeling it off this one first? I ask because, I tried this stuff on something and while it certainly comes off, with complicated curves and a lot of lines (your wheels fall in the category), it doesn't come off easy and takes a lot of time. All the videos I see are simple wheels or body panels.
Before you do the remaining wheels, did you try peeling it off this one first? I ask because, I tried this stuff on something and while it certainly comes off, with complicated curves and a lot of lines (your wheels fall in the category), it doesn't come off easy and takes a lot of time. All the videos I see are simple wheels or body panels.

If there are enough layer of the product it comes off easy from about anything.

If you only do 2-3 coats its tough, 4-6 it comes off like easily. But remember it will split where there are defined lines. So it may not come off in one big sheet if there are a bunch of defined lines that the product peels over.
Very informative thread. Thanks for taking the time to educate us on this product, Brian!

My pleasure, I am experimenting with the stuff as much as possible.

It's a lot of fun if you like changing things up often like I do.

Can you paint the firewall in the engine bay? I don't have an engine cover and I don't like the look of the red oem paint in the engine bay. How heat resistant is it?

On a related note, I just blacked out a portion of the roof on the 300zx and it came out really nice!
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Can you paint the firewall in the engine bay? I don't have an engine cover and I don't like the look of the red oem paint in the engine bay. How heat resistant is it?

On a related note, I just blacked out a portion of the roof on the 300zx and it came out really nice!

Yea, you should be fine. I doubt it would melt it.
So I decided the orange was about at the end of it's life for me. Im not one for loud colors usually. Soooo We DIPPED it :)











I LOVE IT, Looks like a battleship or an F16 or something.. In person it is incredible.

And yes, The shelves behind the car are filled with plasti-dip :)
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SOURCENSX awesome!!!! I LOVE IT TOO... Much much better than the orange color. The orange was just too flashy...this one looks mean. The red brake color looks like a perfect match with this color.
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It's a drastic change for sure. I actually liked the orange, at least from the photos. This looks a bit like primer IMO, but if you're happy with the results then that's all that matters. :)
So the glossifier alone comes off just as regular plasti-dip? Now the question I've been more bugged by....... Could you use actual paint on top of the plasti-dip and it all still just peel off? I should be getting my package from dipyourcar.com in a day or two to start experimenting myself..... Figured id ask in the mean time.
Thanks! Drastic change yes. But I was done with the bright colors. In person it doesn't look like primer at all. But I see what you mean.

As far as paint on the plastidip:

Answer. Yes. BUT you have to make sure your dip coats are thick and completely covering everything. Anywhere you don't have a good seal with the dip will allow the paint to get to the surface.
Thanks! Drastic change yes. But I was done with the bright colors. In person it doesn't look like primer at all. But I see what you mean.

As far as paint on the plastidip:

Answer. Yes. BUT you have to make sure your dip coats are thick and completely covering everything. Anywhere you don't have a good seal with the dip will allow the paint to get to the surface.

I bet thats going to be hard to get off the flat finish.
Looks great, source! What color did you use? How many coats? Did you apply it with the sprayer you can by from dipyourcar?
Very Nice, congrats on the win.

BTW, can this be brushed on? I'm going to do the engine bay but I don't want over spray and there are some very hard to reach areas.

Very Nice, congrats on the win.

BTW, can this be brushed on? I'm going to do the engine bay but I don't want over spray and there are some very hard to reach areas.


I have Never tried it. However I highly doubt it will lay flat if brushed on.