the drive, in any other car, would have been LONG, but in my NSX, it was AMAZING. I had to take down the Valentine One when I got to VA. No signs on the road stating radar detectors are illegal, but I remembered the being illegal there before. Found a nice car to follow, lost it, then tried to catch back up. The car was pulled over by the time I caught back up.
I will check out your thread for sure. I've been doing BJJ since 1997, so please let em know if you have any questions about the local talent in your area. I've competed in Charlotte a couple times, the BJJ community is very tight knit, so odds are where ever you guys end up training, we have some common friends
I'm going to enjoy the car for sure. Putting the stock springs back on. Will get a Clear Bra as well. The car was very well cared for. And I plan to continue that trend. Washed it for the 1st time today