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ScienceofSpeed NSX-R Engine Cover

so, what is the purpose of the mesh engine cover? i know it is to replicate the NSX-R, but why did the NSX-R have it? no engine cover would certainly weigh less. is there potential for rocks to get kicked up and break the glass?

Weight savings. No, the wheels are kept in the quarter panels, they can not kick rocks up in to the engine bay.

my bad...sorry... i only mentioned it because i had a mental note that you had a kit for this application.
either way, i've seen OEM NSX-R engine covers on Targa NSX, but i don't know exactly what the owners did to the inner structure of the cover.

Once again, sorry for my mis-information.

Does this come in cf no mesh

Any update on the workaround for us Targa guys?


There is unfortunately no work around per se. To fit a flat cover like the NSX-R cover on the targa car, you will need to cut out the engine cover's frame under the cover to clear the raised front engine bay on the targa NSX.

-- Chris
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There is unfortunately no work around per se. To fit a flat cover like the NSX-R cover on the targa car, you will need to cut out the engine cover's frame under the cover to clear the raised front engine bay on the targa NSX.

-- Chris

i knew i was not crazy when i said i saw a OEM NSX-R Engine cover on a Targa NSX....then i saw Anil saying:
Having owned an original R mesh cover, this SOS version just looks ...SO right.

Here are his pics:




you can see here that the OEM Engine Cover looks like it is intact with no fitment corrections, and also seems that the Targa raised front engine bay is still there, so it wasn't removed by the roof conversion.

I can't tell for sure, but i can't see any spacer kit installed... it seems like the cover is just installed as it would be on a coupe.

Anil, do you know if it was needed some kind of change to the cover to fit your Targa??

Hi Chris I don't think I can resist much longer... This would be so much better than the beat down one I currently have. Pm of email me if you get a chance as I'd like to get one.

Just got your lwf for my s2k:)
According to SOS's description, "ScienceofSpeed set out to make a direct reproduction. The factory NSX-R cover was replicated down the smallest detail. The cover, with its internal strengthening frame was reproduced using a factory NSX-R cover. This allows the cover to be lightweight, yet rigid. The frame is made with a carbon fiber base, and is available with a black satin painted FRP or exposed carbon fiber shell."

And looking at Procar's description of selling hinges/spacer. (see pg 57), I think the SOS NSX-R cover should fit a targa nsx. However, the fitment may not be perfect or up to SOS's standard which is why SOS is not promoting the cover for the targa. (my guess) Lots of NSX owners are picky to the micron so if there is a slight miss fitment, panties get bundled and SOS doesn't want owners to blame them for preaching something they can't back up. Unless SOS's NSX-R mesh cover is a different design than OEM spec, then my assumption is squashed.

I have a Gruppe-M NSX-R style cover which is a similar replica to the OEM NSX-R cover except for the prop rod gap (does not exist on GM). Without spacers, fitment would be impossible due to the raised bulkhead as mentioned. By using spacers, this raises the cover enough for a better fitment, but not perfect. There is still contact between the under skeleton strengthening support of the cover and the bulkhead, but not enough to cause damage or to prevent closure of the cover & hatch.. Unfortunately, the cover has a slight flex of a few millimeters and you can see a slight "bowing" if you look close enough w/your nose physically on the quarter. (that's being picky)
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They said it need to be cut some how to fit targa with out the targa shell
With all this concern about the mesh engine cover reproductions not fitting the targa roof cars, it further reinforces how superior the fixed roofs cars are. :D

With all this concern about the mesh engine cover reproductions not fitting the targa roof cars, it further reinforces how superior the fixed roofs cars are. :D

^^ Can I have an AMEN :biggrin:
Any feedback about targa fitment from those who took the gamble? (If they have shipped). Thx.
Can you make a cover with no mesh but plexiglass or hard plastic material (heat resistant) for a NSX-T? Want to have the engine visible, but not looking for additional noise in the cockpit. Thanks.
I don't think the stock engine cover provides a noticeable level of additional quietness compared to the nsxr engine cover

If you go plexiglass you would notice the different look a lot more then any difference in noise, but I believe you will never top the look of the oem nsxr engine cover