Low Fuel Light

13 May 2011
Newport Beach, CA
It worked when the car was purchased. Now I'm not sure, and guessing wrong would not be fun.

When I first turn the key, all the warning lights come on - except the Low Fuel (Amber) Light.

I got pretty low on fuel (on the gauge - it will go a bit below the E line) last time before filling, but don't think I put more than 15 gal in...

Does the fuel have to be low for the light to test? I'm going in to the steering wheel area to clean the turn signal contacts, so NOW is the time to replace an indicator light if needed...

Thx, Prime-ates...
My light never came on. I read that the tank is about 18 gal if not im mistaken. However my needle go all the way to the E but no light. I filled up all the way to the top. The most I've ever pumped was 13.2 gallons. I do not want to test to see how big my tank is.
OK, guys - I get it. No one runs low enough to get the light.

However, part of my question is - Does the light come on when you turn the key, i.e., when all the other lights come on in the start up process.

Want to (know how to) verify the bulb is out before I pull the gauge cluster...
I have seen the light come on. 7 litres left in the tank. (~2 gallons) The tank holds 70 litres. (18.5 gallons)
to answer your question...no...during the start up sequence (2nd click in ignition), the fuel light indicator does not turn on...and i've seen mine recently to know that it works.
The low fuel light is an LED so there is little chance its burnt out. As noted above it does not self test on power up so the only way to test it is to run the tank down. Mine comes on almost every tank since I drive till it comes on. But that opens up a whole new discussion (old wives tales) about running your tank empty and causing fuel pump issues, sucking up dirt, or having condensation issues.
What I do not understand is that my low fuel light used to come on just ABOVE the red line for empty. Now it seems to almost never come on, even when I am WELL BELOW the line, and put almost 17 gallons in. Any idea what could be causing this sudden change? The car now has over 178,000 miles on it.
What I do not understand is that my low fuel light used to come on just ABOVE the red line for empty. Now it seems to almost never come on, even when I am WELL BELOW the line, and put almost 17 gallons in. Any idea what could be causing this sudden change? The car now has over 178,000 miles on it.
If you can put 17 gallons in without the low fuel warning light going on at all, I suspect the bulb in your gauge cluster may have burned out. The warning light should start to flicker on when you can fill it with 15.9 gallons.
What I do not understand is that my low fuel light used to come on just ABOVE the red line for empty. Now it seems to almost never come on, even when I am WELL BELOW the line, and put almost 17 gallons in. Any idea what could be causing this sudden change? The car now has over 178,000 miles on it.

Your gauge accuracy has changed with time. The low fuel light circuit is almost fail proof and completely seperate from the gauge circuit.
As noted above the capacity of the tank is 18.5 and the light will come on at between 1.5 and 2gal left so if you are putting in less then 17gal you have 1.5+ gal left.