NSX won't start

7 October 2009

I had the battery fully charged, it started well, then half hour drive, then turned the car off and after 5 minutes she did not start.

The starter did nothing, but the windows are working properly and the lighting too. So I thought it was not the battery.

When the car was pushed, the car started normally so I thought maybe a bad starter or maybe a faulty relay ?

And later with jumper cables in the engine room the starter worked also fine.
I did not put the jumper cables on the battery terminals.
I turned the car off again and removed the jumper cables , and the car started fine again...

is it maybe a bad battery? , my dynamo is new and works fine, the mainrelay is also new
The main relay is new, replaced it 2 months a go.

I mean that the starter won't turn over, it does nothing
Do you get a click and the lights go out? Check the negative battery cable where it connects to the body benind the battery.

I heard a click and wich lights do u mean ?
I wil check the negative battery cable tomorrow, but if it's not good connected to te body, then I don't have any electricity am i right ?
but i could lower my windows, listen music etc.. so I don't see the point.. :confused:
I would make good use of the factory volt meter that's in the cluster. The battery should be at 12 volts with the key in the on position and it should not drop below 10.5 volts when you crank. It it does, that probably means your battery is dead.
I heard a click and wich lights do u mean ?
I wil check the negative battery cable tomorrow, but if it's not good connected to te body, then I don't have any electricity am i right ?
but i could lower my windows, listen music etc.. so I don't see the point.. :confused:
A bad connection can sometimes leave enough current for accessories but not turn over the engine.
the negative battery cable was not corroded where it is connected to the body, but it was a little on the battery terminal.

But i did order a new battery because the old one was empty after 10 days...

so far, so good......
How long have the fuel injectors been clean? I had similar problem and found out the injectors were clogged.
So, it's been a year now and everything was just fine until a few hours ago.
The last time I started the car was 8 weeks ago, now I started her 2 days ago and it started good.
Thist morning when I got to work and when I got back home it started Ok.

Until a few hours ago, the starter won't turn. Everything is working properly exact the starter
motor. I had somebody pushed my car for 5 meters and I dumped the clutch and it started.

The battery is new since I had that problem last year.

It cant't be the starter-engine because last year I jumpstarted the NSX and it started fine.

I thing I first order a new ground cable for the battery.

So, any more ideas? I cant trust my NSX right now :(

I started the car 30 minutes ago and it started fine :S
What year is your car and how many miles? Mine did the same thing. chasing and replacing many parts like the new ignition switch, negative cable, and battery, it was the starter contacts.
I am experiencing the same problem as well and would like to try to get assistance here too. My car is a 95 with 50000 miles and i just replaced the battery. Before i got my battery replaced, I valeted my car and came back and the car was dead. I was able to successfully jump the car but when I came home and try to restart, the car was dead. I charged the battery overnight and it didnt seem to do the trick. I got the battery replaced and when I tried to start the car, I heard the clicking noise and then my interior lights went dead. I read the earlier posts and I am not sure what to look for regarding the negative battery cable connection to the body. Can someone please clarify what i should be looking for? It seems when i disconnect and reconnect the battery from the terminals, i get the interior lights to come back on. but again, when i try to start it, the battery dies, i hear the clicking, and the lights go off again. Any help would be great.
could be your fuel pump going bad and its prob the original

to get the pump out is an all day job LOL
But you don't have the same problem I have... U don't have any power what so ever

Martin my car had about 100k. If you get a start then the next time nothing but clicking and the motor does not turn over..check your starter..you can pull it out fast and take it apart. I bet the bushings are very thin and are not making good contact..just check it out. What's an hour to look to rule the starter out...
This happened to me for a while on and off .

Get some electrical cleaning solvent, I use Deoxit, pull out your ecu connectors, spray some cleaner on the terminals , wait a minute for oxidization to break down and refit the connector a few times to clean the terminals.

I never had a problem again, worth doing anyway even if it doesn't solve your problem .

Obviously do this with battery disconnected :wink:
If it turns out not to be your starter contacts, next check your engine grounds (there are 2 of them). You should also clean your ignition switch contacts. If they are not carboned-up yet they will be soon. It is a known problem on these cars. Be sure to post your fix.
Ok, I will check the negative cable from the battery again, and will also check the contacts of
the starter motor.
I clean them all, but if they all look ok, then I will get my starter engine refurbished.

No, its not my fuelpump, it's the starter motor that doesn't doe anything.

which 2 engine grounds are whe talking about ? do u have a picture ? I'll also check the ignition

I definetly post my findings