This started happening and after some research it seems like it is a wheel speed sensor. So I go and check the codes and get a code 49 through the TCS light and was confused because Larry B said here that 41,42,44,48 were the RF,LF,RR,LR codes, but no 49.
So, I go to the shop manual and look up code 49 and it says "All Wheel Sensor." Does this actually mean that ALL my wheel speed sensors are bad or could it be something larger that has failed (TCS unit, etc)? I also have the "TCFC Signal" (code 36) from the check engine light, but I believe that is expected with the wheel speed sensor problem.
I took a screenshot of that page of the manual and posted it below.
So, I go to the shop manual and look up code 49 and it says "All Wheel Sensor." Does this actually mean that ALL my wheel speed sensors are bad or could it be something larger that has failed (TCS unit, etc)? I also have the "TCFC Signal" (code 36) from the check engine light, but I believe that is expected with the wheel speed sensor problem.
I took a screenshot of that page of the manual and posted it below.
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