Snapped Axle Help?

15 November 2005
Miami, FL
I took my car to the track this weekend and on one of my runs when I dumped the clutch I heard a poping sound come from the rear of the car and it didnt move an inch . I beleave I snapped my right axle has anyone been through this? Is the dealer the only place to buy new axles or is there an upgraded beefier setup available?
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How can I make sure this is my problem and not a transmission, by what Ive read its the inner joint thats the weak link.
Look under the car with someone in the car and have them put it in gear (E-BRAKE ON) then slowly let the clutch out, if the tranny and clutch are OK then you'll see the inner joint move - if the inner joint is broken off inside the tranny you may have to disassemble to find out.

What HP are you running?
Thanks Angus. Im running 450 to the wheels but I had dropped the boost when it happened. I know when I let out the clutch I hear something spin in right rear and a slight grinding sound but clutch and tranny to me sounded good. I will check this weekend. Can I probably get away with just purchasing this if its the joints that snapped
I doubt that you snapped the axel.The axel itself is quite strong,but it connects to the outer cv joint with what I call a tripod(a three legged joint). The weak link is the tripod that connects the axel to the outer or inner part of the cv joint. Once you find out that you damaged the tripod try to find a used axel so you have the spare parts to fix the next one that breaks. When you see the axel apart you will be surprised that it lasted this long!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck.
Do you think by purchasing this kit I can repair it myself

I spoke with them and he said once its snapped the joint its no good anymore and this is just an upgrade to a weak OEM axle or am I missing something here seems to me like this is what I broke but I will know best this weekend when I get under the car or mayby tom.
I broke a CV joint at the track as well. There was grease from the joint everywhere. Obvious as hell.

I went to a salvage yard and got a use axle. I have since bought new axle's

I suspect you have an OS Giken in your future.:smile:

The rebuild kit will won't be useful if the joint is broken.
This is for rebuilding a joint that has not had a catastrophic failure.

Good luck.

I got the car up today on the lift and the damage was apparent. It twisted the inner passenger CV boot but its not torn so I guess I must of stopped quick enough or just a clean break no grease anywhere. No the question is should I just go ahead with another OEM or get the upgrade kit offered by driving ambition?????? I still would need to buy a stock one to get rebuilt with stonger parts right? The upgraded parts run just under $800 for both sides would this be all I need to rebuilt them myself?
I clicked on the link for the kit but it did not come up? The axel is easy to rebuild on your own. Let me know if you decide to go to the upgrade kit. Good luck..................Brian
From what I can see the parts that you need are not in this kit. The part you probably broke is the part that the 3 bearings go on. Not supplied in the kit. Keep us posted. Brian:confused:
I have purchased other Acura parts before from other vehicles that have been the same thing and for alot less like relays. Will the entire axle bolt right up or just the damaged piece?
The inner side of the Legend half-shaft is the same as the NSX. The inner side would be the parts that attach to the trans-axle--the cup, spider gear, etc...

The outer side of the NSX cup is longer than the Legend.

There is a post where this information was confirmed. I do not know if all years of the Legend interchange.

Additional here:

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I didnt read anywhere that the entire axles is bolt up only the joints, is this correct?

Yes, you didn't read that because it doesn't happen.

I suspect that everything EXCEPT the outer cup and axle shaft will interchange.

Not sure if there are differences between the auto and manual.

I think thats one of the main parts that needs to be replaced is the main cup or am I mistaken I would love to hear from someone that has actually done this to see what I would need to do
Do you have your axel out yet? What is damaged in the axel. Yes I have broken axels and it has been the tripod that has broken. To my knowledge their is not a stronger tripod on the market? If someone knows of one please post the part # as this will help a lot of us out.
Just took the boot off the drivers side axle inside CV joint to repack it with new grease and found metal fragments everywhere inside the boot so I knew I needed to fix it. I found a complete rebuilt axle (rebuilt by Master Pro) at Oreily Auto Parts for $74. They didn't carry the passenger side axle (I'm hoping it's OK). I picked it up and the quality looks as good as OEM and it has a lifetime warranty. We'll see.
Happy Motoring!
Just took the boot off the drivers side axle inside CV joint to repack it with new grease and found metal fragments everywhere inside the boot so I knew I needed to fix it. I found a complete rebuilt axle (rebuilt by Master Pro) at Oreily Auto Parts for $74. They didn't carry the passenger side axle (I'm hoping it's OK). I picked it up and the quality looks as good as OEM and it has a lifetime warranty. We'll see.
Happy Motoring!

Damn, that is an awesome price! I wonder if enough of us write Master Pro and O'Reilly we might be able to get them to carry the right side axle? If they carried the right side for something like $125-$150 I wouldn't even bother repacking, I would just buy new ones and replace.

Master Pro shows a part number of HO8166* $74.99 with a 1 year warranty. Wow!

I would just buy the axle and migrate the parts to the right (LHD passenger) side.

I find it difficult to just buy the boot bands by themselves and end up just getting close out boots from other cars and rob the bands.


* appears the O is an "oh" not a zero, bad programmer!

Master Pro shows a part number of HO8166* $74.99 with a 1 year warranty. Wow!

I would just buy the axle and migrate the parts to the right (LHD passenger) side.

I find it difficult to just buy the boot bands by themselves and end up just getting close out boots from other cars and rob the bands.


* appears the O is an "oh" not a zero, bad programmer!

HO8166 is the correct axle Part # from O'reily Auto Parts.