"Official" Link to RSO 34's Fiesta Photo Gallery

28 March 2002
Although I have tried to keep everyone updated daily with photos from Fiesta as it happened I have only posted a "few" of the 3000 pics I took here on Prime. I am still uploading pics to my host site and have over 500 so far and more will be added during the holiday weekend. Here is the link:


I will email the attendees a private link to download the group photos that I shot. Also, if you see a posed pic, such as with the cars or Asimo, just let me know if you would like a copy.

I have been asked about providing copies of my "tourist" photos but as a general rule I do not release such original digital files out of copyright concerns.
Hey Bob, thanks. I think you did an amazing job as our "Official NSX Fiesta Photographer" and appreciate all of the effort you made lugging the 40lbs of equipment everywhere the group went.

Thank you very much.
Your photography is just awesome (overused word I know, but only one that applies in this case!)!!!!

Thank you!
Bob, All the time and work you put into these photographs and then to share them? I watched you working on them. It is incredible the time you put into them and the final results are stunning. To share them with us for free is so generous.

Thank you so much. Joe
Bob, We really appreciate the great effort you put into the photos and the results are outstanding.

Thanks Scott and Dean
Bob, You did an "awesome" job as usual and Thank You Very Much
for sharing them all with us.
Regards :smile: