Nice find! Let me add to this! :biggrin:
Interesting read too:
(That article is written by an company that distribute Rota's,
Lets put it this way... I cracked a Jmag on a pothole in Arcadia, just a normal pot hole at 45 mph. (Thats how I know it weighs that much too) :biggrin:
Now I ran a bunch of curbs ie: like the chicane at SOW, bent a few, but never a crack on a forged.
However you may think, a forged wheel is always stronger than a cast wheel. The amount of pressure involves less porosity which prones to less cracks, and compacts the metal to make it stronger.
Casting is a solidification process, in which metal is poured into a mold. Leaves the metal less compacted, and prone to cracks and shrinkage.
Yes, a forged wheel is not bulletproof, but a forged wheel is a stronger wheel with less defects than a cast wheel, and a forged wheel does not req. the same amount of metal, making it lighter.
Lighter wheel, always feels better at the acceleration.
Now, lets get on topic of 6.5K :smile: