Pump Shotgun or Semi-Auto Shotgun

13 April 2005
As the title suggests, I'm debating on which way to go. There are pros and cons to both and I can't decide. Cost is of no concern. If I go pump, I'll go something like a Remmington 870 or Benelli Nova. If I go Semi-Auto, I'll go something like a Benelli M2 or M4. This will be a do-everything shotty from some sport to home defense. I doubt I'll actually hunt with it, but you never know.

I like the tactile feel of pumping a shotty, not to mention the sheer deterrent of the sound of pumping it once. I also like the ease of fast shelling a round in the breech and the ease of hot swapping rounds. However, nothing tops the sheer fun factor of a semi-auto shotgun, not to mention opens the door for multiple fast target shooting. Plus, I think the semi-auto will be more valuable during the inevitable zombie apocalypse. :)
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As I have been an avid outdoorsmen since 15yrs old, with no disrespect to you, get a pump. Just in case the badguy isnt a badguy....he has chance to dodge the other shots. If you have a full choke and good shot you dont need a semi.
Vega$ NSX,

May I suggest a Saiga 12. It is a semi-auto 12g that is based on the AK47 design. They are imported by RAA and Arsenal( based in Vegas). Due to importation regulations they are only imported in a sporting configuration, but can easily be converted with a dremel and hand tools back o a pistol grip configuration. There is a huge amount of customizing that can be done very easily, and being an AK47 they are dead reliable. There are even drums available that hold 20 rounds. Check out this forum: forum.saiga-12.com
It is similar to prime in that there is a multitude of information from enthusiasts, but is a little more rough around the edges.
I vote for a pump if you plan on using it for home defense. That way you can use the reduced recoil slug and buckshot loads(to limit over penetration through walls). Those don't work well in semi-autos(if at all). Don't use birdshot for home defense.

If you plan to hunt with it get a semi-auto.

Either will work fine for trap/skeet but the benefits of a semi-auto may be lost at the range as some ranges only allow you to load one shot at a time.

I use mine for home defense and trap/skeet so I bought a pump with 2 barrels.
Inkballs targets from the 27 yard line if you do your part.....

Pump. When you rack the slide, chances are good that sound alone will send the bad guy running. You won't need to use up any ammo, and you won't have brains & guts splattered all over your floor.
I am curious , you said you may not hunt with it. But will you shoot clays? or will this be collecting dust as a home defense. An 870 pump is inexpensive and effective. You don't need brushed steel and engravings to hit your target. :rolleyes:
Been an 870 fan since I started hunting (Dove and Pheasant) when I was 12. Had a 28 gauge back then and still have a 12 gauge now.
I own both. Semi's are great for bird hunting but a pump causes the shooter to be more of an extension of the weapon. That might sound a little far fetched, but it's the truth. There is almost nothing that can go wrong with a well maintained pump shot gun. My 20 gauge is a pump, my 12 is a semi. My dad has a 12 gauge pump that is over 40 years old and shoots like the day it left the remington factory.
I say get an inexpensive but reliable pump then deck it out.

OK, terrible name, but badass shotgun at a great price- http://www.hr1871.com/Firearms/Shotguns/pardnerPump.asp - the Protector all the way at the bottom. I got it at Academy for less than $200 out the door. Go check one of these out side by side to a Remington. Superior in every way. The internals are beefier all around, yet it's balanced and smooth. I'm one of those guys that wants to buy the traditional brand- just couldn't do it when comparing them side by side. The patent on the 870's been out for a long time and others are producing better guns. Made in China.:frown:

Get a picatinny rail, a good light, ghost ring sights (no frikkin laserbeams on a shotgun), maybe a lightweight sling. If you really want it to be scary, get a 'breaching barrel" with crenelated bezel. Yes.

Now you have money left over for a pretty gun.
Why not have Both. You live in Las vegas you can have the coolest shotgun ever Made.....Spas 12.


Pump or Semi Automatic by a flip of a switch :cool:
Winchester SX3

My buddy bought one, think they're like $1500??? I don't remember.

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Pump. When you rack the slide, chances are good that sound alone will send the bad guy running. You won't need to use up any ammo, and you won't have brains & guts splattered all over your floor.

Exact reason I say go semi-auto. F scaring the guy with a sound; if you break into my house, I will kill you. Why give them a warning to 'duck'?:biggrin: