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The truth about stmpo

1 August 2007
Phoenix Az
Sadly I am forced to write this which will inevitable turn into a major 'pissing contest' but I simply cannot allow this to happen to anyone else.
I have known Ross for 3 years now, liked him, though he was enthusiastic but off-putting at times with his inexplicable tirades. Now my opinion is that he is nuts with some kind of serious psychological disorder. His reaction to the issues he has caused is so unprofessional and insane that it defies logic.
Here is the story, I am not fabricating anything, all described as it happened. My car is a 2000 T (bought it in 2007), bone stock mechanically, never touched by a technician, no oil leaks or drips anywhere. The car was in an accident with a motorcycle in 2002 which resulted in some cosmetic damage and floor pan dents- nothing mechanical. The only thing modified was a full exhaust which i installed 6 months ago (and while doing so I applied anti-seize to all O2 sensors to prevent seizing- remember this).

I've been talking to Ross about maybe trading some parts etc at which time I have mentioned that I am looking to do a timing belt, water pump, valve adjustment job as a simple maintenance- car has 61k miles and ran like a champ, no issues whatsoever. As you have read, he has been advertising such service on Prime for $800 labor cost plus parts. I have repeatedly asked him who would be doing the job and he said he would have a former employee of Mark Basch come in and do the job- an experienced mechanic. I wasn't quite relieved but he was reasurring and getting upset that I dare to question his abilities: "we know what we are doing, man". I am quite mechanically inclined as well and have done numerous timing belt jobs (have few vintage cars) but could not afford to have my daily driver tied up by me tinkering with it for a week- it needed to be done by an experienced tech in 2 days on a lift. "Don't worry man, we will have it done right and quickly" came the response. Since Ross needed NA2 headers for his exhaust fitups we settled on $600 cash plus complete NA2 headers and I threw in the stock muffler to help out with his fitups- fair deal, $50 bucks per hour with no tax for a 12hr side-job for the tech (assuming an experienced tech that has done this before) plus exhaust for Ross. This pricing came from him, I did not chew him down and paid in full up front (I knew him for a while so had no reservations). I supplied timing belt, water pump, ac and alternator belts, valve cover gaskets, new coil seals, spark plugs, Acura MTF, oil and coolant. I also supplied the tool I made to hold the pulley nut in place. All the parts are OEM and there is nothing here that is 'extra' work outside of timing belt/valve adjust job. Once again, please remember the stipulations we agreed on- experienced tech, done in few days without having to drop the engine. We have made an appointment two weeks prior for the 24th.

Friday night I drop the car off so it can cool off for next early morning's work. By 2pm Saturday, the guy just started to work on the car. Few hours later I stop by out of curiosity and am introduced to a kid from Florida wrenching on the car- not quite Mark Basch employee (strike one). It is now apparent to me that the car will not be done in few days. Ok, I say, take your time to get it done right- "no problem etc." came the assurances. I am also informed that they will drop the motor to make it easier on them- I am not too enthusiastic but at this point have no choice, the suspension pieces are everywhere already, exhaust is off and O2 sensors are removed and hanging by the wires (they came out easily, remember this as well). At this point I have to share a car with my GF, rent one or drive my classics which I hate doing in daily traffic.

Monday comes, I go into the shop. The kid has the motor back in and is going to town on everything with an impact gun- I cringe. Then I see him with a humongous wrench hammering on the O2 sensors, ask him to take it easy, kid gets pissed off, I walk away and go home.

Tuesday mid day car is together but won’t start- “it is probably some ODBII bullshit or it is your alarm messing with us” is the explanation (I have dealer-installed original alarm). I go home again.
In the evening the car is done. I am happy to go get it. We can't find my K&N filter i dropped off after cleaning and oiling but Ross gives me his used paper one for now. I shake hands, smile, jump in and start driving. Within 100 yards I know the cam timing is off- car won't rev cleanly and basically runs like crap. I turn around and go back just to get blank stares-"ooookkk, we don't think so but lets us check". I say that it sounds like the rear cam is a tooth off from what I read on Prime. Ok, I say, call the GF for a ride.

Wednesday I call in- the answer i get is that "we have to make few calls". Ok, I say, let me know whats up but am puzzled why an expert has to ask someone how to align cams on cars they work with on daily basis (supposedly).

Thursday- same thing.

Friday- "we figured it out, the rear cam is a tooth off". Really? They start working on it. Since they had to repeat the procedure, I asked them to replace the rear header gasket with a new one I just supplied since the old one was leaking- no extra work here either, right?

Saturday Ross says the kid quit. Please, I plead, bring someone who can fix it quickly, I am bumming rides and this is turning into a hassle. "Don't worry, you are good, no problem, we will give you a front stabiliser bar as a compensation". I reply that he doesn't have to, I just want the car back.

Monday i stop by- car is still on the rack untouched. "i am waiting for Jon Martin to call me back".

Tuesday- "I am taking care of it myself" Ross says. Ok, I say, call me please.

Wednesday comes- I get the car. It will not hold the idle but the cam timing seems to be ok. Ross says it is just an old fuel filter- Ok, I say, I'll get a new one. Also, He gave me a free plastic trim that covers wires on the glass hatch ("i have several and will never need them" he states). Also, "I gave you a free O2 sensor as the ones you have got ruined by your cheap headers"- thank you, I say while I am puzzled, the kid had them off the first time without any problems then re-installed them with a breaker-bar and no anti-seize- what really is a problem here? As I drive home i notice strange squeek or chirp coming from the left side of the rear anytime I go around right-turn corners or engage clutch in low gears. I call Ross- "it is just a loose axle nut- happens on my car all the time". I am puzzled yet again. I barely get the car home, it stalls several times. I check anything I can see- I find few missing bolts, misrouted and unbolted harness but nothing apparently major. I also discover the headlight pop-up button does not work, neither is the trunk release. I text Ross, he starts getting defensive- "I gave you a free O2 sensor, free trim piece and did all this extra work you requested for free" he says. "you are unappreciative, cheap and a hater". i begin to boil a bit but regain composure and write him an email explaining how i paid him in full the price he asked, pointed out that stripped out O2 sensors were probably caused by the kid with the impact and how the little free plastic piece does not compensate for the job being done incorrectly. i explained how I still like him and did not ask for anything beyond the scope of the original service. I ask him to not reply to the email because it was just to clarify my position, not to start a war.

Thursday- i install a new fuel filter- the car still runs like crap, stalls everywhere, rear-end chirping gets worse. I text Ross asking him whats next- the response is "bring it in". I tell him that unless he gets someone to come in to take care of this once and for all, I can't afford my car to sit on his rack for another few weeks until he gets coached over the phone how to fix it (he has 10-million projects going on at once and I know that at this point he considers me a nuisance). Shit hits the fan- once again i am cheap, a moron, unappreciative, should have done the job myself. i am getting pissed and our texts to each other get ugly. He says that since I wrote him a hate-mail, he is no longer responsible and nobody cares anymore. he wants me to quit being a girl and drop my ‘keyboard manhood’ (yes, really) and stop by his place- i ask him if he is prepared to disrespect me in person, if thats the case I will stop by, otherwise he is wasting my time. no matter what we may think about this, I outweigh him by 60lb so getting physical would be stupid and unfair, no challenge here- he does not respond and i ignore him. I contact Larry Bastanza with few questions to try to clarify things, he advises me to take it to SOS.

Friday- I bring the car to SOS in the afternoon. They reset the drive-by-wire and idle circuits (or whatever needed to be done), find few minor wiring issues on the firewall, the car seems to idle ok at that point- we think that is fixed. They retain it to go over everything on monday.

Monday- here is the list (remember, the car was bone stock and untouched- everything was there) besides the idle issue:

-mixed-up hardware everywhere
-missing large washers on structural studs of the suspension/cradle assembly (these are actually important as they spread the loads)
-all the seals are missing on the timing belt covers, only 2 bolts are holding them in place (at this point to get those replaced correctly is $140 in parts plus 4 hrs at least)
-all the O2 sensor brackets are missing, 2 sensor wires are resting on cats getting fried and shorted out.
- wire harness brackets on valve covers are missing, as well as ODBII plug bracket.
-rear engine mount is finger- tight (!!!)
-left engine mount is completely loose- it is 2 threads away from coming apart and causing serious failure while driving. (explains the ‘chirps’) (!!! Again)
-the a-arm retaining bolts are not torqued at all, almost loose, as a matter of fact, nothing was torqued to spec
-right axle boot has a crack on its very top, next to the metal clamp, where it would get hit by the shock during assembly or something. It is not cracked on the ‘bellows’ where they usually do but it is obvious mechanical damage- grease is spraying everywhere now and it will be another $300 to fix that
-under the dash the wiring harness was disconnected- upon plugging it back together my pop-up switch came alive as did the trunk release. The immobilizer wires are cut but I do not know if that was done now or before but you know my opinion.

SOS did what they could right away to make sure the car was safe to drive. I took it away with some relief.

Today, Wednesday- driving to lunch, car starts to stall again. Finally it quits running in the middle of the intersection in 110 deg heat. I push it around by myself, call SOS for towing advice. SOS guys are on the spot within 15 minutes in Chris’s car with the technician Jeff, just to make sure that the car really needs a tow and I am not going to spend money needlessly. Upon inspection they find throttle circuit and relay going nuts again. Check engine light is dimly flickering indicating a short. The verdict- possible ECU failure due to shorts in the harness. Right now car is being examined more in depth.

So far, while SOS had been more than responsive and helpful dropping what they were doing, this fiasco will cost me additional $1000 minimum, on top of what Ross already collected (paid in full and up front) and likely the car will never be the same.


STMPO makes few decent product (the braces etc) - keep in mind that these are made by few skilled fabricators to Ross’ order- this is not his handywork as he is purely a salesman (you want to see his work look at the bodywork he sells that contains 50 pounds of fiber, resin and bondo per fender or the carbon overlays done with garbage bag vacuum chamber, wavy weave and pockmarked, orange-peeled finish)- if you want to buy those, you may not have issues at all and he should stick to selling shiny welded tubes. that said, stay away from his shop for any technical work beyond middle level of expertise as he will lie to you to the point of no return (i understand that few guys he hires to come in are quite professional, too bad his 'mechanic' wasn't and the owner isn't). if he can do it, you can do it, trust me, just another part swapper that has to be guided by others over the phone and as long as you pad his ego you will be ok by him- the minute you realize you got lied to and that he is in WAY over his head, you are the devil. Ross is one of those people that regurgitates what he hears elsewhere as his own experience, if you ever saw his personal car you would know how he learned the little bit he does know about the nsx- if I was a business owner I would be embarrassed to show it to people as proof of my handywork.

I gave Ross several chances to make things right, today included, when I said I would accept some products (which he gets at cost and would cost him much less than what I already have to spend) as compensation for my added expenses since he has cashflow issues (I wonder why). He told me to go to hell and “bring it on, he is ready for me and will print out all the emails”. Well, no matter how big of an asshole customer I might be (which I am not), nothing warrants lack of professionalism and general knowledge when you claim to be an expert and flame everyone who says otherwise. I am completely sure he will respond to this ‘in force’ with edited emails and text messages making irrelevant connections, statements and emotional accusations. Like I said, lets assume I am an asshole and you never want me back in your shop, nothing, and I mean NOTHING warrants the crazy, psychotic exchanges that followed my initial, tame signals of displeasure- how I ever became responsible for his lack of expertise and workmanship is beyond logic after the 2-day job transformed itself into 2.5- week nightmare. He downright endangered my life, had i driven one more day that engine mount would have fallen apart. He is a hack- stay away. I am sorry I even thought of questioning SOS’s expertise based on his lunatic opinions. Lastly but perhaps most importantly, STMPO is unable to obtain business insurance so anything he screws-up or whoever you kill when your engine assembly falls out of the car- you are on your own.


like i said, no matter what idiotic accusations this post will generate, its ONLY purpose is to keep anyone else from repeating my mistake. take at as you want, i am not asking you to go on a crusade.


would the moderator please move this tread to the 'vendors' section. I apologize for incorrect placement.
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I really don't know what to say, but if this was my car, I'd take it to SOS or Mark and have the entire thing stripped down, and reinstall everything.

I know you're in it for 1K, but take your losses, and re-do it to make it correct and once again a reliable car.

There is nothing worst than to drive a car, and fear its going to die on you.

Sorry about the incident,
You learn from your mistakes. You live and learn, now you know who to take your car to. Start over and turn a new leaf.
We certainly do have some "unusual" vendors for our precious cars, don't we? I'm sorry to hear about your mess and I hope that this inadvertent advertisement for SOS will lead them to cut you a bit of a break on the price of the repairs necessary to get your car running properly.
I saw another thread started about I guess the owner of STMPO. I will steer away from this guy. Thanks Prime!
But stmpo does make a lot of top notch stuff like the front strut tower bar that still allows you to retain your front wipers, and the 4 point rear strut tower bar is pretty bad ass too.
I've never had work done on my car by Ross but EVERYONE has a horror story or 2 out there for EVERY vendor. Whether their story is told or not then that's the secret in keeping the customer happy or not.

I've done business with you before Swerve and I've done business with Ross. I'll continue to support and buy Stmpo products because like the posts above I also agree he designs some STELLA parts.

However I'm very sorry you're going through this and that the problems still aren't fixed...

I am sorry to hear of the woes with Ross. I personally have not had any mecahnical work performed by him nor his shop. However, I am very happy with the quality of the strut/chassis bars that his shop has produced. Regardless, hope it all works out in the end somehow.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. Reminds me of another "expert"-Larry Garcia of NSX Modified fame back 5-6 years ago. I was the first to warn others in SoCal of his shady business practices and was initially vilified by his many customers. Unfortunately, there will be more stories such as yours despite your well written account. Good luck with your car and hopefully it will be fixed correctly. Good choice using SOS.

Best Regards,

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But stmpo does make a lot of top notch stuff like the front strut tower bar that still allows you to retain your front wipers, and the 4 point rear strut tower bar is pretty bad ass too.

Unless your body has been manipulated(cut) in the area between the front strut mounts, a front strut tower bar is not needed.


Very sorry that you are going through this problem. That's a tough situation - especially when it's with a one-time friend. Mark it up as a teachable moment.

To be frank, I can't imagine anyone reading the content of STMPOs responses and allegations and not think they were the rants of the bizarre, ridiculous, and unbalanced.
a quick update:

fortunatelly yesterday's total disaster was not attributed to ECU failure (as was initially feared) but the shorts in the wiring harness leading to the front O2 sensor which also had failed. harness is repaired, O2 sensor replaced but the car will have to come back in for in-depth examination of the persistent fuel relay triggering problem.

lastly, i am not asking anyone to join me on a witch hunt here. take it as another story but draw conclusions on professionalism of all parties involved.
But stmpo does make a lot of top notch stuff like the front strut tower bar that still allows you to retain your front wipers, and the 4 point rear strut tower bar is pretty bad ass too.

I have actually just been exchanging notes with Ross, as I am contemplating getting all the braces he makes, and he told me that you DO in fact lose the function of the passenger side wiper with the FSTB...he suggested I weigh out the options of having the wiper or not. I think I will still consider the rear strut tower brace, but I can not give up the wiper....the front chassis brace behind the bumper looks too challenging for me to install as a DIY project....although Ross said he would coach me through it....

Overall unfortuante incident and I empathize with the situation. I have had similar things occur, right at the dealership. I took my 95 Legend coupe Type II in for timing belt and water pump at about 60K miles....told me it would be done in 2 days....(I live 100 miles from dealer) so arrangments needed to be made...I went back in 2 days and said they were having difficulties in getting things "line up" right and it would be a few more days....they did offer to "rent" me a loaner car fromt heir used car lot....finally got the car back after a week....cost was far more than quoted, and I had scratches and a couple dings that I never had in the hood and front fender area...and the car never did have the same smooth power it had prior. Always seemed rough , both at idle and acceleration. I ended up selling the car a couple years later. At the time I wrote a very professional constructive letter to the GM of the dealership...and was never responded to....

for what its worth, my brother in law who drives Lexus and more recently Infinity, has a theory...don't fix what aint broke....he changes oil very frequently himself, and does minor checks on everything, but never does anything as per the maintenance schedule..says its just a scam for dealers to make money.....he goes with very high mileage and for the 20 years I've know him, has never had any type of problem at all...maybe lucky, but I think his view is that there is a greater chance of someone screwing up a perfectly good running car, than the car itself crapping out..... I tend to always follow the suggested service routines, whether it needs it or not.

Good luck with SOS on getting your baby back in shape!
^^^ well not following factory service intervals ever would be considered neglect. If you never service your transmission it would not last 100-150K miles, if you never change your coolant, you would cause corrosion to the radiator and the whole system, not to mention that you are raising the freezing temp and lower the boil point of the anti freeze. The timing belt is also a must. The fluid flushes are almost impossible to screw up and a lot of them can be done at home. People who religiously keep up to date on maintainance are the guys who can reach 300K + on their vehicles.
It's situations like these that always keep me away from any mechanic or shop and do all work myself. I trust no one but my own two hands and my oldest brother.

Hope you can come away with something besides just piece of mind having the NSX operating correctly again.
Glad I don't live in an area where I would have had a choice like this to make - SOS or STMPO? Awful and there is no - and I mean - absolutely no excuse for someone to offer a service that they cannot back up. To think someone could call in an independant mechanic into their shop with their own reputation on the line is just unfathomable on the outset and then to have work like this performed and not own up to it - that's off the charts!!!

OTOH, to think that you would not have thought that to check around a bit when faced with this as an alternative just on the surface of things is perhaps not the wisest move. Now in retrospect you may decide to listen to your own gut feelings about things like this in the future. Don't get me wrong you were surely led down the "garden path" but you had chances to pay attention to your own feelings.

STMPO's name is mud for his shop work! He may lend support to racers - he may have good products for sale that are made well by "his" vendors - not in his shop but as far as his credibility - his reputation is shot unless he makes some amends.

I find this whole story just incredible and I sympathise and can empathise as well. We've all had bad experiences at one time or another with cars and getting them fixed. I've never had this bad an experience - thankfully - but you just have to be so careful these days.

I've had a dealing with Ross at STMPO - he sold me a used center AC vent and told me it was almost a 10.....I got it and it was not almost a 10. Now everyone makes a mistake and I never said a thing about this to anyone. The vent was glued back together, and it was starting to delam just like the one I was replacing but not showing on the surface just yet - soon it would have been. Ross to his credit had never even charged my account for the vent and took it back - although I had to mail it back at my expense. The photos of the vent looked fine but under any kind of close visual inspection it would not have passed muster for even a 9 or an 8.....maybe a 6. Not bad for some purposes like CF but not for stock appliacation. I felt lucky to get out of it as easily as I did. So I have no ill feelings toward Ross at all - but this issue here is really something else.

I wonder if we will hear from Ross/STMPO? "Lucy, you got some splainin to do" as Ricky used to say. I still cannot believe that anyone would do work like this out of and under their own shop name. This is just ludicrous and I'm sure we most likely will never hear from Ross on this one. What's he gonna say?

A word to the wise and thanks for sharing this episode and we all should thank you for doing so! I wish you all the best of luck with your car and I feel you are lucky not to have had the engine fall out! Unreal - hope you get it straightened out.

Now - on a side bar - I don't ever want to hear another word about my "long" epistles......lol....:biggrin: Swerve this was a good write up - well done! Keep us updated on things.
But stmpo does make a lot of top notch stuff like the front strut tower bar that still allows you to retain your front wipers, and the 4 point rear strut tower bar is pretty bad ass too.

(FYI) The front brace retains ONE of your wipers

This explains the SOS "Hate" by Stmpo. You get what you pay for.
Just wondering: if SOS was so near why didn't you take it there from the beginning? :wink: They've done it plenty of times.
How old was the kid?

EDIT: BTW, we've been working on an NSX last weekend who's owner is very picky on what is done with his car. He helped and watched in every step. I guess that he didn't do anything to the car in the last 10+ years because he doesn't trust any dealer in Germany. We'll do the TB job on his car and he doesn't 'need' a spare car as he likes to watch the whole procedure all three days long.
Of course it won't be a $600 job as in your case, it will be certainly more but Europe has a higher price level anyway. I guess that was one of the main problems in your scenario. $600 for labor seems too cheap for me, even for the US market.
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LOL... Swerve you crack me up...

New Trader rating for STMPO...... 60 out of 62.... you remind me a lot of the guy from FL who was a complete ass to me until my fuse blew.

You pissed my tech off so much he quit out of respect for me... instead of knocking your teeth out.

You personal interactions at my shop left me putting your car back together without being the one who took it apart. Look at your post... your life has been filled with hate ever since you lost the use of your arm.

You gave me an offer to "give you strut bars to keep your mouth shut".. I declined and said... do the write up.. Nice blackmail effort.

Your mouth almost didnt have teeth in it... I lost a good employee over your mouth.

I hope I never sell another NSX part because of this post.

I know I'll never work on another salvaged NSX again...

Danny... lol... Thank you... You just raised the price of my FSTB.

Just wondering: if SOS was so near why didn't you take it there from the beginning? :wink: They've done it plenty of times.
How old was the kid?

EDIT: BTW, we've been working on an NSX last weekend who's owner is very picky on what is done with his car. He helped and watched in every step. I guess that he didn't do anything to the car in the last 10+ years because he doesn't trust any dealer in Germany. We'll do the TB job on his car and he doesn't 'need' a spare car as he likes to watch the whole procedure all three days long.
Of course it won't be a $600 job as in your case, it will be certainly more but Europe has a higher price level anyway. I guess that was one of the main problems in your scenario. $600 for labor seems too cheap for me, even for the US market.

i wasn't the one quoting the price- it was $800 plus parts. i should have taken it to SOS but Ross convinced me otherwise.
LOL... Swerve you crack me up...

New Trader rating for STMPO...... 60 out of 62.... you remind me a lot of the guy from FL who was a complete ass to me until my fuse blew.

You pissed my tech off so much he quit out of respect for me... instead of knocking your teeth out.

You personal interactions at my shop left me putting your car back together without being the one who took it apart. Look at your post... your life has been filled with hate ever since you lost the use of your arm.

You gave me an offer to "give you strut bars to keep your mouth shut".. I declined and said... do the write up.. Nice blackmail effort.

Your mouth almost didnt have teeth in it... I lost a good employee over your mouth.

I hope I never sell another NSX part because of this post.

I know I'll never work on another salvaged NSX again...

Danny... lol... Thank you... You just raised the price of my FSTB.


fyi, my car is not salvaged, i spoke to the kid once about not banging on the O2 sensors (and if thats a good mechanic then you must be a master- what happened to you lying about having ex Mark Basch employee doing the work?), we have not spoken 'in anger' until 2 days after you returned the car the second time so me being pissed off then has nothing to do with you being an unknowlegable hack- since when do you have to be the one taking things apart to put it together right if you are an expert and know what you are doing? if the car happened to run ok i would have never known there were issues until i would get in a wreck. i gave you a chance to make it right and the only reason i suggested parts is because you are broke and have no cash and there was no blackmail indicated anywhere. i hope you do not sell another part again because your integrity and knowledge is negligeable and i will take my disability over your mental issues any day.
keep on laughing, bills for your screw-up are mounting and small claims court if free to me- remember you did endanger my life by leaving loose engine mounts- pretty funny isn't it?
lastly, i asked you before and will do it again in public- i am completely willing to stop by your place so you can insult me in person and kick my ass as you continue to proclaim. come up with a date so you can invite folks to watch your efforts sunshine.
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same thing again- O2 sensors are getting fried. possibility of main harness shorts. car back in the shop.
People that have driven with the STMPO FSTB have said this...

Got mine installed today. I really wasn't sure if I'd be able to tell the difference but about 10 seconds into my test drive that thought went right out the window. It was significantly stiffened. I think it was more significant than when I put on the STMPO FCB.

If I can handle living in Seattle and having only the driver's side wiper the rest of you should be able to manage too. :biggrin: I like the way it looks without the passenger wiper, so I took a pic for you guys to check out..

It felt like someone snuck out and stiffened up my coilovers 3 or 4 clicks in the front. I think if you track your car at all you'd be crazy not to have one of these.




Quick Review. Went out for a extended drive today with the roof off. The cowl shake is almost completely gone and this was over some very bumpy roads. The entry to high speed turns seems more precise and the car seems even flatter and this is with KW coilovers and sway bars. The other chassis stifferners are the STMPO rear brace and the NSX-R front upper and bumper chassis bars.

Gahdamn! Please tell me someone with a Zanardi has all three STMPO's! If they make a targa feel this good I can only imagine what they'd do for a NA2 coupe with manual steering on a track

People that have never driven with the STMPO FSTB have said this.....

Unless your body has been manipulated(cut) in the area between the front strut mounts, a front strut tower bar is not needed.



Price Increase.... 489.95

Thanks Danny...


Regards, Cheers, Givin you 5... hit around to the backside of the hand... followed by a knuckle pound... then blow it up,
fyi, my car is not salvaged, i spoke to the kid once about not banging on the O2 sensors (and if thats a good mechanic then you must be a master- what happened to you lying about having ex Mark Basch employee doing the work?), we have not spoken 'in anger' until 2 days after you returned the car the second time so me being pissed off then has nothing to do with you being an unknowlegable hack- since when do you have to be the one taking things apart to put it together right if you are an expert and know what you are doing? i gave you a chance to make it right and the only reason i suggested parts is because you are broke and have no cash and there was no blackmail indicated anywhere. i hope you do not sell another part again because your integrity and knowledge is negligeable and i will take my disability over your mental issues any day.
keep on laughing, bills for your screw-up are mounting and small claims court if free to me- remember you did endanger my life by leaving loose engine mounts- pretty funny isn't it?
lastly, i asked you before and will do it again in public- i am completely willing to stop by your place so you can insult me in person and kick my ass as you continue to proclaim. come up with a date so you can invite folks to watch your efforts sunshine.

lol... I would never hit a handycap person... you were the one mentioning and egging that on... lol