Encounters with celebs - tell your story

In the 90's Barbara Streisand gave her first live performance at the MGM Grand in 25 years. My family was close to a a casino exec who gave us 4 tickets at a face value of $350.00 a ticket. All the big names came out to see this big event. The start of the performance was delayed and so I started to wander around the floor to see who was attending the show. I walked right past two security guards up to the VERY front of the auditorium.
In the front row sat Mel Gibson, Steven Spielberg, Michael Douglas and later as the show was growing closer to start Liz Taylor and Michael Jackson.
I roamed to other side of the room and sat behind Jay Leno, Gregory Peck, Gene Siskel and Rip Torn.

It turned out the fourth person in our party was unable to make the show for some health related issues. I was going to go out front of the casino and see if I could scalp the ticket, but was convinced not to.

It was a good show and Mike Myers performed with Barb to add some laughs to the show.
No stories like you guys but I've served

M. Night Shamalayan: His wife is probably one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen in person. VERY VERY nice people as well.

Michael Cera: This was after Superbad came out and all my friends were raving about it. I hadn't seen it yet and someone told me I'd have a super VIP tonight. When they said who he was I thought well cool, but I still haven't seen the movie! After watching it I realized he acts and talks in real life how he does in the movie! Super cool, but had some bitchy press lady there.

Gina Lynn: Came in with either her male actors or her entourage. Probably about 5 guys and her sat at my table. The GM told me earlier in the night that you have a VIP named Gina Lynn. I asked who it was and he smiled and walked away. I got an autographed magazine somewhere floating around, haha.


I know Gina and her husband quite well


Photos I shot from her Halloween Party

I've had 3 separate encounters with Steve Jobs, had lunch in Apple Cafeteria with Steve Wozniak sitting right beside me at the same table, and also had lunch with legendary video game programmer John Carmack (Doom, Quake, etc).

My wife bumped into John Goodman walking down the street in Toronto many years ago.
Went to school with boxer Fernando Vargas.

Have ran into Damon Wayans and other celebs at Fiestas in Santa Barbara.

While deployed, my crew got to fly Gary Sinise out of Afghanistan. He got some stick time on our C-130. Really down to earth guy. His kid(s) went to the same school with some of the kids of people in our unit.
Vega$NSX you forgot to mention we had dinner next to Emmitt Smith at Encore. haha

I'm not sure if this counts as a celebrity but I hung out for a day with the President/CEO of Lamborghini, Stephan Winkelmann during "The Quail, a Motorsports Gathering" during Monterey Autoweek.

My badge:

Stephan Winkelmann

Me and Winkelmann
Recently ran into Huey Lewis at a local BBQ house during the Open. Seemed like a pleasant chap as we spoke for a moment or two. A few years back saw John Denver just before he left the area on his doomed flight.
of the ones worth mentioning...

Lucy Liu - Was on the same flight with her back from JFK. She's hot but wouldn't take a photo with me. Probably smart on her part.. haha. I was in love even though we only spoke for 10 mins. She's tiny.

Wayne Gretzky - A friend knows him from back in the day. We played Blackjack at the Wynn in a private table. He just kept winking at us. Why? @#%!@#$? I don't know.. but it was the joke of the weekend. Nice guy but was kinda toasted from the drinks.

Ice T - Parked next to him as we suited up to go snowboarding at Snow Summit. Was with his kids. Pretty normal guy and was in a "murdered out" Range Rover before "murdered out" was trendy. He gave us the peace sign. Who does that anymore? haha

John Travolta - I use to work on some of his classic cars back in HS. Went to his house a few times (as an employee) and remember one time seeing his wife walk by the kitchen wearing almost nothing. Best thing that's ever happened to a 16yo boy I must say.

Ron Pratt - The famous car collector, residential home developer, and philanthropist. For some reason he made the biggest impression on me. Back in HS (again) we were hired do a A/V job on his yacht which was probably the biggest floating object on Lake Mead. I was 17yo aspiring to be a somebody.
The things he had to say to me really helped shaped my college career, my current career, and my business. Great guy. Smoked like a chimney though.. hope the guy has since quit.
of the ones worth mentioning...

Lucy Liu - Was on the same flight with her back from JFK. She's hot but wouldn't take a photo with me. Probably smart on her part.. haha. I was in love even though we only spoke for 10 mins. She's tiny.

I would have made that photo happen...she is one of my top 5 women!!!
In Dubai we get lot's of stars popping thru but my only real encounter with celebs were F1 drivers Jacques Villeneuve, Heinherald Frenzen, and Jean Alesi.

All three drivers raced in the Speedcar Series (crappy high HP stock cars) and were paid to drive here. Walking thru the pits (anyone can as its Dubai) my mate and I spotted Jacques sitting on his own and I started to giggle like a little boy. Anyway I got the nerve up to say hello and mention I'm a fellow Canadian and big fan. He asked me to sit down and we talked music, cars and then Jean and Heinherald came up to speak with Jacques and he actually introduced me! It was superb for the brief chat.

In Canada I won a Pepsi concert promotion and got to meet Tim McGraw as he's my sisters fav so I took her and she could barely speak to him...LOL. Girls.
Vega$NSX you forgot to mention we had dinner next to Emmitt Smith at Encore. haha

I'm not sure if this counts as a celebrity but I hung out for a day with the President/CEO of Lamborghini, Stephan Winkelmann during "The Quail, a Motorsports Gathering" during Monterey Autoweek.

My badge:

Stephan Winkelmann

Me and Winkelmann

That def counts!
1. BJ Thomas: As a kid, I worked at Baskin Robbins icecream store, he would come to say hi, his mom and my grandmother were friends back then

When a young adult, worked at IBM. was bored so got a backstage security guard job due to mtg head of Beaver productions company. they promoted all the big names at that time, anyway I was offered 150 a night to work backstage which I never accepted. I just wanted to hang and have some fun. I met the following:

2. Fleetwood Mac: All of the group. Stevie Nicks looked like a bag lady when getting out of the limo. Was blind as a bat too, had to be led to the stage. Mick Fleetwood was cool, we would just walk around and talk about everything but the group, I had to have a journalist from Rolling Stone magazine thrown out, because he kept trying to get a interview.

3. Janet Jackson: Did not want to be bothered, and was actually pretty shy, I think she said one word to me: Hi
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4. Sting: He was pretty cool. stood on stage for a sound check with him..just him and I.

5. ZZTop: Got to hang backstage with them, but they did not speak to me.


1. Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana: Not me but my daughter, I got my daughter her friend and my wife front row tickets to concert. My daughter is a couple of yrs younger and looks very similar to Miley. During the show she kept high fiveing my daughter and while leaving the stage as well. After the show, they went upstairs at the convention center, Miley came out of a green room and motioned her to come over, she hugged my daughter and friend for about 20 minutes, My wife said she was very sweet and my daughter said she hugged her so long she could draw her entire rib cage? And that she smells like pears?

She has since seen her at two more concerts, and I always get front row seats..and her and Miley lock hands, high five each other etc...
I told her how cool that is but she seems to just expect it...kids these days!

1. Bill Cosby: Went to a show of his that I forgot I had tickets to. Took my mom and dad. 2nd row seats, he started talking about nicknames and said Skip. Thats my dads nickname, I pointed to my dad and the two of them talked for about 5 to 8 minutes. My dad was part of the show!. He is in his 70s and thought it was pretty cool.
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Oops forgot: Sports dudes I really am not into sports. But met Roger Staubach at a IBM kickoff mtg. Emmitt Smith at a auction for kids, and Troy Aikman at a Hannah Montana concert, he was three rows behind my daughter and a friend. All Dallas Cowboy players. Met a bunch of Cowboy cheerleaders, but that doesnt count.:wink:
Took a girlfriend out to dinner tonight to a famous Japanese restaurant in Beverly Hills (It was her B-Day present), and Heather Graham ("Felicity Shagwell") was at the table next to us.
Had dinner the other night with a bunch of people and one guy from the entourage was a Chicago bears player from back in the day. He is a coach now, not NFL. There was another famous person at the table too another sports figure can't remember what he said he played. I don't usually drink but I was sloshed. Don't remember that much. My accountant drove me home. :D
My daughter reminded me of one the other day. Raven Samone. I think thats how you spell it......Met her at a book signing at get this.......Walmart.:biggrin:
From the last passed few days untill a couple weeks from now, the wifey will be roporting live from the red carpet at TIFF for the local canadian TV.
Tonight, Nichole Kidman, and a bunch of others...On my way there.

I saw denzel Washington signing autographs in NYC. I didnt care. I also shook hands with Kenan Thompson after a comedy routine at my college. Other than that, ive never really met anyone.
The two most famous people I've met:
Colonel Sanders of KFC fame. My dad ran a KFC franchise in the 60's and 70's, and the Colonel visited a few times. I helped him stir a pot of gravy he made from scratch. Somewhere, there's a picture of me and my sister with him. I'm NOT bringing that one out, as the kid-in-a-leisure-suit look should not be revisited.
Second, Bill Clinton. He visited our town, and I was in the line of press as he came in, shaking hands. It was amazing how focused he was - ignoring all the difficult questions being asked and making sure he made contact with every female reporter.
, Bill Clinton. He visited our town, and I was in the line of press as he came in, shaking hands. It was amazing how focused he was - ignoring all the difficult questions being asked and making sure he made contact with every female reporter.

His wife handed my wife her Master diploma at graduation.