I have had people ask if it was a Corvette but I've had as many ask if it was a Nissan or Toyota as well.
Sometimes if they guess and get it wrong I tell them "yes" anyway. That usually makes them happy, which is nice.
When they ask me how much was it, how fast it will go or how much horsepower does it have I usually respond in a sincere, matter of fact way "I don't know" and that I "wish I did".
When they ask what is the fastest I have ever gone I say with a proud demeanor, "70... once... on a really long trip on the thruway."
On the way home from "Kid's Day" I made a bathroom stop at McDonald's.
When I came out there were two young employees on a break and they seemed very enthusiastic about the car remarking it must have over 550 horsepower. One pointed to a modded Subaru STI parked a couple of spots away and asked "what could you do to that?".
I thought it odd they would ask, I mean we had never met before that I could recall but, to be polite, I looked over at the STI, and scrutinized it. It looked very nice and really needed nothing so I took a guess and replied :"Paint it?".
They seemed very happy with the answer and giggled. How did they know I paint cars?