History on JH4NA21615S000066

15 March 2010
Chicago Area (northside burb)
This car has been for sale for like almost a year now, randomly on e-bay and autotrader, I think I have also seen it on craigslist at one point. someone on here posted the wrecked pics, or maybe the pics were on www.erepairables.com I forget, it looks like it been fully repaired I think they are asking to much is why it wont sell. maybe someone could change it into a track car. I would love to have it. know would ever know its a salvage but you ya know.

I would still pass on it
I already purchased one, I dont think I could afford another... but I like to keep my eye on them to see how the market is, if I got a good deal, etc etc. I was just curious what kind of damage it had since it looks like its in good shape. I looked up the vin via search and didnt see any specifics on what happened to it... All i saw was that it was for sale for 65 a year ago and 49 now.

Salvage just isn't worth it on such an expensive car. You won't be able to insure it more than liability. So if anything happens your out a lot of money.
I already purchased one, I dont think I could afford another... but I like to keep my eye on them to see how the market is, if I got a good deal, etc etc. I was just curious what kind of damage it had since it looks like its in good shape. I looked up the vin via search and didnt see any specifics on what happened to it... All i saw was that it was for sale for 65 a year ago and 49 now.


There was a wreck somewhere in between....would need lots of research and ppi's and poking around on this one with a good body shop I think...be careful.
I didnt know about the insruance aspect of it. That makes it an easy decsion... I would never buy one! I saw a thread of a guy who sput out in rain a few weeks back and had 22k in damage... And it wasnt that bad of an accident!!!

Not worth it!


Salvage just isn't worth it on such an expensive car. You won't be able to insure it more than liability. So if anything happens your out a lot of money.
This car is in Florida, i don't know much about their rules about these situations. In Illinois a car gets totalled if at least one of those apply:

1. Repair estimate is equal or greated than 60% vehicle's actual value.
2. Vehicle cought on fire from any reason
3. flood
4. Structual damage when vehicle's cabin would need rebuild ( most rollover cases)
5. Vehicle is too old and parts are unavailable.
6. Biohazard ( most of the time it is human's blood)

In the case of this 2005 LBBP i think it was either 1 or 4.
Salvage just isn't worth it on such an expensive car. You won't be able to insure it more than liability. So if anything happens your out a lot of money.

The OP lives in Illinois, here you can get full coverage on salvage cars. Some insurance companies like allstate would only pay out 75% of actual vehicle's value in case of another total loss and that is why in Illinois salvage cars are usually priced 25% lower. State farm, Geico and I think Farmers will pay out full amount.
The "OP" what is that???

Good to know you can insure the car.. are the rates higher or lower than a clear title?

I was told that banks will not finance a salvage titled car.. is that not true?


The OP lives in Illinois, here you can get full coverage on salvage cars. Some insurance companies like allstate would only pay out 75% of actual vehicle's value in case of another total loss and that is why in Illinois salvage cars are usually priced 25% lower. State farm, Geico and I think Farmers will pay out full amount.
OP = other person...

When you see a real low price on an NSX it usually means it is a salvage title or has had substantial damage. Not just a minor fender replacement.
The car used to carry a salvage title when it is on copart auction last year. I guess the dealership clean the title in florida and put it out for sale. The price seems to be quite high compared to the price they bought it for
OP = other person...

When you see a real low price on an NSX it usually means it is a salvage title or has had substantial damage. Not just a minor fender replacement.

OP = Original Poster
The "OP" what is that???

Good to know you can insure the car.. are the rates higher or lower than a clear title?

I was told that banks will not finance a salvage titled car.. is that not true?


The insurance rates are the same but financing is difficult, not all banks will finance and apr's are high. It is good that you bought another car. NSX is not the type of a car that you buy salvage unless you are planning on turning it into a track car or a show car maybe ???
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What does FTW mean? LOL

Sounds like all this title clearing biz should be illegal. If you find out your car was totalled and were sold a car with clean title and the dealership pulled this stuff off it would constitute fraud... no?

Is there recourse? Im glad I didnt know about all this stuff when I got my car or I would have been too scared to pull the trigger.


Illinois dealers would do the same through Indiana but I do not think it works anymore.
What does FTW mean? LOL

Sounds like all this title clearing biz should be illegal. If you find out your car was totalled and were sold a car with clean title and the dealership pulled this stuff off it would constitute fraud... no?

Is there recourse? Im glad I didnt know about all this stuff when I got my car or I would have been too scared to pull the trigger.


FTW = "For What It's Worth"
How do you get "for what it's worth" out of FTW? Wouldn't that be FWIW? Makes no sense??? I'm for abolishing all acronyms...except for the ones easily undestood by me....lol:biggrin:
TB - Can you please have this conversation with the FAA... they are killing me. Too many acronyms.

FAA, NTSB, ILS, NDB, VOR, JAA, ICAO, CRJ, BBJ, GPS, MLS, FSDO, ADIZ, IAS, KIAS, CAS, MAP, IAP, DP, STAR, .... alphabet soup is not just limited to flying.... CBS, NBC, CNN, TBS, MTV .... IUD, PMS, ADD, PDSD...


Im going slightly mad


How do you get "for what it's worth" out of FTW? Wouldn't that be FWIW? Makes no sense??? I'm for abolishing all acronyms...except for the ones easily undestood by me....lol:biggrin:
TB - Can you please have this conversation with the FAA... they are killing me. Too many acronyms.

FAA, NTSB, ILS, NDB, VOR, JAA, ICAO, CRJ, BBJ, GPS, MLS, FSDO, ADIZ, IAS, KIAS, CAS, MAP, IAP, DP, STAR, .... alphabet soup is not just limited to flying.... CBS, NBC, CNN, TBS, MTV .... IUD, PMS, ADD, PDSD...


Im going slightly mad


Jman, sorry for your stress - you know gubmint work :tongue:
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