Konig Lace Wheels

8 October 2009
Las Vegas, NV
I like the mesh look with the deep lip, not a fan of the machined face, and i still dont know what the weights are, but has anyone seen these on an nsx?

Konig Lace

konig does make some nice looking wheels...but they are usually cheap and heavy...great for civics, not an NSX...but if all you want is looks, then they're great.
I just got my new Konig Lace rims and I love them.

I'm running 17x8 at the front with +45 offset and 18x9.5 at the back with +45 offset with Yonaka Motorsports black aluminum open ended tuner lug nuts.
Here are some extra pics of the rims on my red 95 NSX Targa. I have much better pictures and more details in the other thread of "Ultimate NSX Wheel Giude"

Before and after pictures.
Hope this helps.


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The wheels look heavy and I'm pretty sure they are heavy since they are made by Konig.

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If I wanted to lighten the car for the track I would have considered some of the other Konig lightweight wheels. I did notice that Konig does offer other lightweight wheels but I chose this style/model of wheels because I think the rims look fantastic. Compared to my stock chrome NSX rims, these Konigs are awesome!
I just got my new Konig Lace rims and I love them.

I'm running 17x8 at the front with +45 offset and 18x9.5 at the back with +45 offset with Yonaka Motorsports black aluminum open ended tuner lug nuts.
Here are some extra pics of the rims on my red 95 NSX Targa. I have much better pictures and more details in the other thread of "Ultimate NSX Wheel Giude"

Before and after pictures.
Hope this helps.

not to bust your balls, but the before looks 100 times better then the after:redface:

just my opinion, but there was nothing wrong with this look...I hope you still have them:cool:

maybe it's the lighting and it needs a drop, but....i think the above looks alot better.
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I've seen the car in person and the Konig wheels are pretty sweet.

Its a good thing everyone has different tastes cuz otherwise the NSX world would be very boring.
I've seen the car in person and the Konig wheels are pretty sweet.

Its a good thing everyone has different tastes cuz otherwise the NSX world would be very boring.

i agree...i think it is just the lighting and angle and the lifted look that make it not as appealing to me:redface: would like to see those at better angle and lil lower...

I've seen these Konig Lace wheels in person on several different cars (NSX and non-NSX), and the photos just don't do them justice.

They are very, very nice looking wheels.
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Those are some mad PS skillz you have there 95ttht!:cool: