My brake lamp light is on...

2 May 2009
the 808 state
Hi Everyone! I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I have a '92 NSX (automatic...I know.) and recently my brake lamp light goes on everytime I start up the car. But if I turn off the engine and start it up again, the light doesn't go on. But the next day, it does it all over again. I have checked my light bulbs many times and they are all working fine. I just had the sensors replaced (part no. 37540-SM4-003 and 37540-SM4-901), and I thought that would fix the problem, but it is still recurring. Any suggestions as to what this could be? Appreciate any kind of help and input!
Re: My BRAKE LAMP light is on...

Which light is on?
The indicator that a tail lamp bulb is out or the one that says "Brake"?
Re: My BRAKE LAMP light is on...

Try this. Before starting the car, release the hand brake.
Re: My BRAKE LAMP light is on...

Check all your rear tail light lightbulbs. If any of them looks funny, replace it and see if that will make the problem go away.
Re: My BRAKE LAMP light is on...

My .02
I get that occasionaly but its usually after I've applied the brake pedal, then the light will come on. Stays on until I re-start the car. I've read somewhere here it might be a grounding problem...Aluminum, you know!

Re: My BRAKE LAMP light is on...

I recently replaced my carpet and removed and reinstalled most of the interior panels including the gauge cluster and am now having the same problem. Its the brake lamp indicator bulb that is lit sometimes when i start the car. It stays lit while i'm driving even though all of my tl and bl are fine. Sometimes it doesn't come on when i start the car, other times it does.

I'll be following this thread for a possible solution to this problem.
Re: My BRAKE LAMP light is on...

Mine will occasionally pop on too. However I know why mine does and it has to do with my LED 3rd brake light. They power wire runs along the left hand rear trunk strut and apparently there is enough slack that when things are just right (or wrong), the wire ended up getting cut completely through the copper and am left with a sliver of rubber insulation left (not to be confused with the heat shrunk). Any how, the two ends are still connected because of that tiny bit of rubber insulation, so when I open my trunk and look, the wire is stressed enough that you can see that the wire is cut. But when the trunk is closed and the wire is relaxed, the two copper halves come together, touch and everything is all good. Sometimes though, the copper ends fail to come together or they separate, the lamp light will come on.

In other words, check the wire for the 3rd brake light that runs along the left trunk strut for a cut.
Re: My BRAKE LAMP light is on...

pbassjo - The light that comes on is the "BRAKE LAMP" indicator. It is located right below the lights that come on when your door or trunk is open.

Gofastguy - Exactly! And I thought it had something to do with the engine needing to warm up, because when I stopped off somewhere and restarted the car the light wouldn't go on again till the next day. Duh!

GreyhoundSteve - I been getting that "sometims it doesn't come on and other times it does..." also! That makes it all the more frustrating because I keep thinking the problem went away then...ACK!

Appreciate all the input fellows! Thanks for your time and patience, as I am not mechanically inclined at all! I think this site only confirms my belief that I made the right choice buying my NSX.
Re: My BRAKE LAMP light is on...

Did you ever get your Brake Lamp Fail Warning issue fixed? My brake lamp fail warning has been lit for years since I bought the car even though all the bulbs are fine. I tried some methods discussed in another thread but that didn't fix it. You might want to try it: Light Warning Cancellation.pdf

Next, I will pull the gauge cluster to see if I can make it go away there. The instructions I got were to:
"Ground pin 12 (left side connector). It is the 3rd terminal from the right upper side (looking at the connector from the wire side). The color is orange/white. If the light turns off, then you have a problem in the harness leading from the gauge cluster to the back. If the light stays on, then either there is a problem with the circuit board where the connector is soldered, or the failure circuit is bad in the cluster. If your other indicator lights are doing weird things, I would check the solder connections where the harness connectors plug in."

While I'm in there, I need to replace the bulb for the Low Fuel Warning, can someone tell me the type of bulb to buy before I open it up?
I know exactly how to fix this, put a thin piece of black electrical tape over the indicator light, It really works, Mine has been on for years, Got tired of looking at the light.
I had the same problem...until I replaced the burned bulb. I would check and have others check, and they all appeared fine...until I was backing up to a dealership's parking spot that was near a glass door. The reflection in my rearview mirror allowed me to notice one of the lights had an awkward look. Sure enough it was a burned out bulb that is just too hard to notice by standing behind the car. Hasn't been on since! Try backing up to your garage while looking through your rearview!
my head light warning light is on when I bought the car too. Sometime it's off, sometime it's on and sometime it's blind while I'm driving
Mine has been coming on recently also, Ive noticed sometimes I restart the car and the light will go away but today that trick didnt work. If any one has figured this one out please let us know. BTW ive checked all bulbs and they are all perfect. Could going AEM have anything to do with this? My TCS light doesnt go away either since to switch over I was told AEm doesnt handle TCS not sure also where to disconnect to make this light go away also.
I replaced my ign sw several years ago and have not had a problem since. If you look at an electrical diagram the ign sw feeds the tail lamps. My car had over 100 k on it and the ign sw was overheated and starting to melt when in the run position.One day my car was totally dead... This along with some grime on the electrical contacts may affect the resistance in the tail lamp circuit. I would suggest any frustrated owner take the ign switch off and pop it apart. Clean the contacts and check for melting. Im not claiming to be an expert but its worth a try.. hope this helps joe
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Having the same issue as the OP. Anyone found a solution to this problem?

My diagnosis (copy/paste from the FB page) I read that it could possibly be the connection to the third brake light. I re-installed my Procar NSX-R wing and redid/double checked the wiring connections for the 3rd brake light. My brake master cylinder was at max level so that can be eliminated out. Funny thing was, when i had the 3rd brake light disconnected, the brake lamp went off.
The brake lamp warning light in the cluster is now 60% (will go off) / 40% (will come back on).

Wish there was a way I can pin point this problem.
Freakin ironic. Mine started last week. On occasion it with go off but for the most part, it's on. All tail lamps work so I guess it's all good. A couple years back I had an open door light on intermittingly but it finally decided to fix itself.:confused:
Having the same issue as the OP. Anyone found a solution to this problem?

My diagnosis (copy/paste from the FB page) I read that it could possibly be the connection to the third brake light. I re-installed my Procar NSX-R wing and redid/double checked the wiring connections for the 3rd brake light. My brake master cylinder was at max level so that can be eliminated out. Funny thing was, when i had the 3rd brake light disconnected, the brake lamp went off.
The brake lamp warning light in the cluster is now 60% (will go off) / 40% (will come back on).

Wish there was a way I can pin point this problem.
I read there may be a grounding problem and that releasing the e-brake handle before you start your car could fix the issue. Doing that didn't solve the brake lamp issue yet. Might go replace another bulb later today.
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There are two brake indicators, the BRAKE system indicator which includes the parking brake and the fluid level and there is a BRAKE LAMP indicator which indicates a bulb failure by use of failure sensors in the tail light assembly.

if you didn't see the light when the 3rd brake was disconnected you should disconnect it again for a while to see if it comes back. If it only does it with the light connected then you may have a short in the wiring or the lamp itself.

For a BRAKE LAMP failure light you can start by temporarily grounding the signal lead before it enters the tail light assembly on the passenger side of the trunk. If the light stays out then the problem is in the tail light assembly. If the problem persists then the issue is in the wiring or gauge assembly.

Have anyone replaced the brake master cylinder cap?? I've seen a service bulletin on the light staying on then going off once the brake fluid gets hot...
Have anyone replaced the brake master cylinder cap?? I've seen a service bulletin on the light staying on then going off once the brake fluid gets hot...

This is new!
Mine has been on since I bought it - I replaced all possible bulbs with no luck.
I started to give up.