Marc's car on cover of Modified Mag

i still havent seen it...or any of the pics!!!! but i did beat up a WS6 bad that the guy behind us pulled up next to him, pointed at him and laughed!!

hows it look?

Received it today! Congrats Marc. Didn't realize there was such an interesting story behind the build.
Grats on the cover!! :biggrin:
I hope my name is mentioned, after all, you did benefit from my loss, right Marc? I probably funded that intercooler.(unaware and against my will) :rolleyes:

Congrats, from the NSXer you screwed over.
Ok Zishan, your snide comments have gotten outta control…since you feel the need to post crap on a forum, and not return my attempts to contact you when you first started with the comments…I guess I will have to respond here now…
I in no way benefited at your expense, contrary to your beliefs. Since I am sure there are a few people wonder what the hell you are talking about….I will tell the story…
Approximately four years ago..(Yes it took 4 years for this to come up) I agreed to buy a set of wheels from Z. They where the IForged he had..I think with mismatched tires or 2 bad tires…I don’t remember exactly. Since he worked at a bank, he asked if I would wire the money instead of using PayPal…He was on Prime so I felt it was OK. Z took a little while to ship them as he said he had a problem getting them in his car…then an issue boxing them, etc etc… I was fine with the delay…These things happen and it is a PITA to ship wheels sometimes.
So about 10-14 days later I come home from work and I have a big box on my front door!! Ye ha! I look around for the others…nothing, just the one box…Kind of beat up but that’s ok..I open it up and there is a front wheel…Just one….not the pair…only one of four. I call Z; he says to give it time..I ask for shipping numbers so I can track it. The numbers he gives me don’t work…again, I understand. He said he used a shipper (like mailboxes etc) and sometimes it’s a PITA to cross reference the numbers…We agree to wait a day or two…
After a couple days I call him back and ask what the deal? Nothing has shown up yet. Z tells me I need to file a claim to get my money back…I ask again for tracking numbers…he gives me the same numbers. I explain they aren’t real numbers and he tells me that’s all he has. I say ok, I guess I will figure it out..I call FedEx..they tell me nothing they can do, first I don’t have the correct numbers, second I am not the shipper so I don’t have the right to make a claim, It has to come from the Shipper…..I talk the girl on the phone to use the number from my one wheel, see if she find the numbers for the other wheels. She does, gives me the tracking numbers that she can’t track from her terminal… I ask her about the insurance since the wheels haven’t shown etc, etc.. She said I have to wait like 30 days or something like that..And that they are only insured for something like $800-$1200 bucks. (I was beyond pissed now so I am a little fuzzy on the exact $ amounts)
I call Z…tell him I want a refund…the wheels never showed and I am not going to wait 30 MORE days to get the under insured amount…I explain that while he probably trying to save me money on the shipping by taking a lower insured amount..I would have never used that low of an amount…I mean its FedEx..They lose everything….I feel he has accepted that responsibility on my behalf by making the decision for me….he agrees and graciously refunds my money; minus shipping I think which I felt was fair.
We talk about what to do with the lone front wheel..he makes the joke about using it as the most expensive end table in his house….We talk about shipping it back, I say ok but I don’t want to pay for the shipping…he says he doesn’t have any money right now, for the obvious reasons…I said ok let me know….
3-4 months later Z tells me that he finally received payment from FedEx….that was it…we did not have a conversation, he sent me one PM I think, and did not reply to my response.
3-4 months later I get a call from FedEx here in phoenix….they say they have an old complaint with my name on it (from when I called looking for the shipment). They have a box that might match my description, but there is no shipping or label information anywhere on the box….I stop by the shipping yard and a guy drives a box out in a golf cart…they throw it in my car and I drive away…no signature, no documentation…nothing…it was strange.
I call Z on my way home and left a message on that number…not sure if it was cell or work and tell him I have some crazy news…At this time it has been 7-8 months since the first wheel showed, which was like 25-30 days after I paid for them. By now Z has sold his car and isn’t on Prime very much…I did not send him a PM, at least I don’t remember sending him one…
The three wheels sit in my garage for like the 6-8 months….I decided to sell my black NSX…the guy comes over to look at it…says he wants it and asks about the wheels…I explain the whole story to him…explain that technically the belong to FedEx but if he wants them he can have them….I even gave him the phone number for Vince@IForged.
He buys 1 new wheel and starts driving around town..The car looks great, just like Z’s old car.
Fast forward 2 years (about 2 months ago…maybe) and I run into the kid and he mentions that Z contacted him about the wheels and said I screwed him over…Z has an NSX again so he is on the forums…I am not sure when Z contacted the guy…just that I am only now hearing about it.
I tried to contact Z… I called and never hear back from him…I don’t remember if I left a message or the number was no good, the number I called is 713-xxx-1781. I know he didn’t work at the bank anymore.
So there ya go…that’s the story…all 4 years of it….If you feel you were screwed, I am sorry…I can’t say I wouldn’t feel the same way in your shoes….I would not have waited 4 years or dropped off the face of the planet either though. I know that you are wrong if you feel I benefited from your issues with FedEx…..
I am sorry to waste everyone’s time, but it seems as this is the channel that Z has chosen.
Congrats Marc! Sweet ride and a great write-up. Even better that you did most of the work. Congrats again.


great read! awesome pics. i ran into barnes n nobles searching for it
I don't know both sides of the story, but from reading your saddens me to see something like this result from Fed Ex's mistake. I can stand up and say that Zishan (Z) is a cool guy and I am glad to have met him. By your own words, he humbly refunded the $, although it was not his fault either. And although he directly typed "from the NSXer you screwed over", Z may just still be frustrated at the situation; NOT you personally. I hope that you guys can patch things up in the near future...and if not, since Zishan is local to me, I'll treat you to Chachos if that makes you feel better!

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