My "new" NSX arrived the other day, but it only came with one key, so I went to my local Ace Hardware to have them cut and program two new keys. After the first copy was made, I wanted to test it to make sure it would start the motor. So the key-cutter, a young 20-something, and I went out to the parking lot to give it a try.
When he saw the NSX, he couldn't believe it, "Aaawww man, what a sweet ride" and so on... He was knowledgeable enough to know it wasn't a Ferrari or Corvette, but as you'll see later, he didn't quite nail the manufacturer. Anyway, he immediately pulled out his iPhone and started taking pictures and gawking at the car. When he saw some of his co-workers coming back from lunch, he yelled to them, "Hey look at my new ride!!"
The key worked, so we went inside to make a second copy. This time his manager was there, so he tried to convince him to join in on the next key test, "You gotta come out and test the key with us. You just gotta come out! We gotta test this key and you need to be there. You've never seen a Nissan like this!"
The manager joined us, begrudgingly. However, when he saw the NSX, his attitude instantly changed, and he became like a kid at Christmas, circling around the car, looking at it from all angles, and firing a million questions at me. Finally he stepped back to admire the car and declared, "Man, that's a real low rider." To which the key-cutter immediately responded, "No man, that ain't no low rider, that's a SPORTS car!"