What's wrong with the NSX Prime forums?


Experienced Member
10 October 2001
Bay Area, CA, USA
Is it jsut me, or do other car forums seem to have better formats and features? For example, I was just on the DTMPower.net forums because of the thread posted about e46 m3 vs NSX. I thought that it was cool that you could see what users are online/offline and how they generally show more info about each user on the left side. You could also have messages left for you and could look at only the posts that were left since you were last on. SupraForums and StreetRacing.org also seem to use these same formats. Anyways, just wanted to see what you guys thought and maybe answer why our forums seem to be lacking.
I think NSX Prime has the best look-n-feel and navigation out of all the car related message boards that I've visited. I wouldn't change a thing in that regard.

At the same time, I do think the other features you mentioned would be nice to have.

[This message has been edited by 8000RPM (edited 25 March 2002).]
We put substance before form!
Yeah... but wouldn't it be nice to have both? Why limit ourselves? I mean, we do own NSX's don't we?
I think the NSXPrime forums are fine for the volume of traffic we get. I run a site that has a forum with almost 1,000,000 posts now... this forum system utilizes standard CGI and flat files to display and store the forum content. Other forums rely on databases, but it also requires a much more expensive setup often. Also other forum software costs more as well. I used to use this same forum software Lud is using now (Ultimate Bulletin Board), but I migrated to VBulletin which uses a database and a PHP enabled web server. Its a little more complicated to set up, but once its migrated the management and maintanence is much more friendly. Maybe someday it may make sense to migrate the forum to something different, but its also a risk as well unless you have a solid strategy for migrating the existing data. In any case, Lud should only consider migrating forums if he feels that the features provided by this forum system is lacking or he is having performance and maintanence problems. For me, this forum lacks nothing and fine as it is.
we have this feature here in NSXPrime but only when you post a "New topic". I agree, it would be very helpful also for answer to existing posts... but I read *every* post almost on a daily basis anyway ...
Now, now. I don't think ck's comments were intended as negative commentary towards Lud or these forums. Quite the contrary; I thought he was trying to be helpful, once I read his post (and not just the unfortunate way he worded the topic). It's clear that he was talking only about the features of the UBB software, and questioning whether it might be possible to implement some features used on other boards. He did not criticize Lud's work or the quality of the content of the discussions here, which jag is defending. Let's not look for "ungracious" criticism when a second reading shows no reference (either explicit or implied) to the "substance" (spookyp's word) or to Lud's dedication that these forums depend on.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 26 March 2002).]
I am not really satisfied with the UBB software. I would like to move to vBulletin but I do not have the necessary MySQL back-end database software on this server, and it's not my server so I can't installed it.

I am trying to decide whether I want to try and build my own server to be the back-end for the forums and keep the rest of the site on the current server, use a third-party vBulletin hosting service for the forums and keep the rest of the site on the same server, or migrate the whole site to a different server.

There are pros and cons to each. It is taking me longer to get this done than I would have liked, but there are only so many hours in a day
Originally posted by ck:
Is it jsut me, or do other car forums seem to have better formats and features?

Coming from someone else who suffers from "not enough hours in a day", I would like to say that the fact that Lud even spends this much time maintaining this site for all of our enjoyment, is a miracle. I think people can easily become critical when they start to take for granted what other people do for them. Lud is no Yahoo- he does this without compensation and strictly for the good of the community. What he has done with the UBB is the best that can be presented and I think we all owe him a lot for his efforts. I also do not think ck meant to sound so critical, I certainly hope not!

In no way did I mean to be critical of Lud. I just wanted to know wht the others thought of it and why it is how it is. If I didn't ask, I would not have gotten the answers, right? I am grateful for all the work Lud has and continues to put in to this forum. Let me remind everyone that I am on this forum not for its features, but the thoughtful and insightful interactions that we partake in each day. I just was surfing around and thought that some features that other boards have would be nice to have on our very own. So, its just a little constructive criticism. No harm intended. Ken, you hit it right on. I just worded the title how I did to get soem responses!

I guess you could think about a feature comparison, and always find new things to add. However, Lud has given us a platform, that certainly does MORE then the job. Thanks Lud. I cannot think of a single time I came to this forum and did not learn something, make a new friend, find a new thing to get involved in, or help someone else in need.

It doesn't get any better then that.

Thanks again, Lud for all your efforts.

I definitely welcome suggestions / questions like ck's, and any constructive criticism about the system. It's easier to drive the bus when I know where everyone wants to go!
When I bought my NSX I had two reasons for doing so. The first was that in IMO the NSX is a great car. The second reason is this forum.

I think this forum is outstanding the way it is and I want to thank Lud for all he has done and all he continues to do.

I Thank you Lud, Bruce
Originally posted by Lud:
...It's easier to drive the bus when I know where everyone wants to go!

I can only imagine that with us as your passengers, that it's a "short bus" you are driving.

I happen to like the format of the Prime considering that the community that posts here is small comparred to other bulliten boards.
I like the NSX Prime boards just the way they are. Other boards seem to get overwhelmed with "feature-itis" -- and become all flash and no substance. The greatest thing about NSX Prime is the high signal-to-noise ratio.

That said, if I could change one thing, it would be the Avatars. I would make them a standard, small-ish size, like 64x64, rather than the free-form format they are now. Makes for a much nicer looking presentation...

-Bob ('94 #496)

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